DAPSY will be holding a demonstration against moral policing by local government in front of Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur, tomorrow on Thursday (13-4-2006) at 1:30 pm. noon.
Chong Chieng Jen (Parliament, Wednesday):
DAPSY will be
holding a demonstration against moral policing by local government in
front of Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Raja Laut,
Kuala Lumpur,
tomorrow on Thursday (13-4-2006) at 1:30 pm. noon.
We do not
support indecent act in public, but we opine that law forbidding
indecent act and its enforcement should not be carried out by local
authorities. There should be a uniform law applicable throughout
Malaysia stating clearly what amounts to indecency.
The Parks
(Federal Territory of Putrajaya) By-Laws, 2002 as it stands, is too
vague. It merely prohibits any person from behaving in an indecent
manner in public without defining what is indecent. This leaves the
DBKL enforcement officers with a wide discretionary power to
selectively prosecute.
DAPSY strongly
opposes moral policing by local authorities on the following grounds:
1. the
local authorities’ main duty is to provide basic services to the
people, e.g. scavenging, road maintenance, street lighting
maintenance, providing housing to the people, licensing, etc. Most
local authorities have not performed their duties to the expectation
of the people. The local authorities should concentrate their
resources in doing what they are supposed to do, not to take upon
themselves the duty to carry out moral policing.
2. So
far, those local authorities who have attempted to carry out moral
policing are applying the Syariah principles onto both Muslims and
non-Muslims. This is a manifestation of Islamisation of Malaysia
without respecting the rights and freedom of the non-Muslims.
3. With
more than 140 local authorities in the country, if each local
authority comes up with a different set of law on decency, there will
be chaos in the country.
4. Given
that Malaysia is a, multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious
country, different sectors of the population have different sets of
acceptable standards on social behavior. Should there be any law
against indecency, the definition of “indecency” ought to be properly
defined and acceptable to all. It ought to be fully debated on in the
Parliament. It ought not to be merely drafted by some over-zealous
officers of the local authorities according to their own perception of
what amounts to “indecency”.
5. Its
implementation will put our country backward to the medieval times and
is not conducive to our nation’s Vision 2020.
Given the
serious implications of the issue, Islamisation of Malaysia, we DAPSY
will be staging a demonstration in front of Dewan Bandaraya Kuala
Lumpur, Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur, tomorrow, Thursday (13-4-2006)
at 1:30 pm. noon. We call upon all those support the course to join
in the protest. We can be contacted at 017-2288221 (Chong Chieng Jen)
& 012-5058662 (Fong Po Kuan)
Chong Chieng Jen, DAPSY Deputy Chair and Member of Parliament for Bandar Kuching |