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Malaysian Foreign Minister Datuk Syed Hamid Albar Must Not Practice Double-Standards But Perform Their Humanitarian Duty By Condemning The Atrocities By Sri Lankan Troops Especially The Recent Murder Of 55 People, Including 51 Young Girls.


by Lim Guan Eng

(Petaling Jaya, Sunday): We are gathered here in peace and compassion for the war victims in Sri Lanka. Looking at the images of death, injury and destruction, no language is adequate to express the sorrow and revulsion at such senseless violence. Hoever we must not remain speechless in the face of such violence. No matter how inadequate our language at such outrages against humanity, we must speak out.

We speak out today against the cruelties in Sri Lanka. We speak out as a part of the human race against the loss of liberty and life in Sri Lanka. We speak out not for any side in the ongoing violence but for the innocent war victims, regardless of race and religion.


But we should not forget that the Tamil war victims are the most deprived in not receiving aid and assistance to alleviate their sufferings. Whether by official design or otherwise, DAP regrets that the Sri Lankan government has withheld or blocked aid to war victims of Tamil origin.


For this reason we speak out today for the Tamil war victims. Whilst we may not be able to stop the violence, we offer our sympathy, solidarity, moral and financial support to them. We want them to know that they are not alone. That Malaysians, including non-Tamil Malaysians, care for their sufferings, especially the innocent children.


We urge the Malaysian Foreign Ministry to condemn such violence. We regret that the Malaysian government has failed to express the concern of Malaysians at the horrific events in Sri Lanka. Malaysian Foreign Minister Datuk Syed Hamid Albar must not practice double-standards but perform their humanitarian duty by condemning the atrocities by Sri Lankan troops especially the recent murder of 55 people, including 51 young girls.


Why should the Malaysian government practice double-standards? DAP had condemned Israeli murderous aggression in Lebanon, meeting with the US Ambassador to Malaysia to urge an immediate ceasefire. We did this out of humanitarian concern at the barbaric cruelties of the Israeli regime.


Similarly, the Malaysian government should condemn the murder of children in Sri Lanka as in Lebanon. Or are Lebanese children worth more than Tamil children in Sri Lanka. Let us shed tears for all children, whether black or white, Muslim or non-Muslim.


DAP MPs shall be pressing in Parliament to demand the Foreign Ministry be consistent in opposing war crimes against humanity. We hope that MIC MPs can support this initiative by DAP in Parliament.


We regret that the police has prohibited us from raising funds for the Tamil war victims. We condemn such restrictions on the performance of our humanitarian duty. This is not the first time we have raised funds for war victims in Sri Lanka. We did that in the 2004 tsunami with RM 30,000/-.


DAP shall not be deterred or cowed by this unfair and ridiculous restriction. If raising funds for war victims is a crime in Malaysia, then I say to the government- shame on you! We will raise funds for war victims and are willing to face any legal action and shall be solidly behind leaders like CEC member A. Sivanesan.


DAP leaders have gone to jail fighting for democracy, justice and equality for Malaysians. If raising  funds for war victims in Sri Lanka is considered wrong by the government, make no mistake. WE are ready to go to jail.


Let us give generously for vidithulai(freedom) and aamathi(peace)!



* Lim Guan Eng,  Secretary-General of DAP

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