Half-Bridge- another national folly! (Petaling Jaya, Friday):
must not proceed with plans to build the crooked bridge to replace its
half of a causeway linking the country to Singapore. Such a bridge
serves nobody but the ego of the former PM Mahathir Mohamad.
We are very
disappointed with the announcement made by the deputy PM Najib Tun
Razak. The crooked bridge could strain bilateral relations, which have
warmed since the exit of Mahathir Mohamad in 2003.
Calling it a
"scenic bridge" does not really help to resolve the matter. We should
work through more discussions before hurrying into a big and
irreversible mistake.
We urge PM
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi stick to his earlier decision ( he aborted the
plan after much protest from DAP and the UMNO MP Sharir Samad) and not
to proceed with the crooked half-bridge under political pressure
mounted within his party, UMNO. He should know that such a bridge is
not a bridge. It will certainly become the eighth "wonders" of the
modern day history if built.
Ronnie Liu Tian Khiew, DAP NGO Bureau |