The power struggle between Dr M and Abdullah gives Malaysians an
opportunity to know the truths behind some scandals and wrongdoings of
the BN Government.
by Ronnie
Liu Tian Khiew
(Petaling Jaya ,
We have invited all the 3 women MPs and 4
women SAs to speak this evening. We have also adopted "Women Power-
The Pink Revolution" as the theme to mark the achievement of all
our women elected representatives. We wish to raise political awareness among the women and to invite and recruit more women to join the DAP. They would impress upon you that women could play a role nothing less than any other man in politics.
Mao Zedong once said, "Woman rules half of the world". His observation was certainly correct and we see more and more women are playing important role not just in politics, but also in many other fields.
Talking about politics, we could not be possibly doing it without touching on the tussle between the former No.1 and the current No.1 in this country.
I call it a tussle because I strongly believe that the entire episode is about power struggle between the two camps within UMNO.
Both of them are now said to be holidaying overseas, but I think they are now probably seriously planning for the next moves together with their respective team of advisors.
Malaysians should not view the tussle too lightly as the issue highlighted is not just about UMNO but it is about who is controlling the power in this country. Is the young man Khairy calling the shots as claimed by Dr M and many other political analysts? Is he an agent of Singapore as claimed by his distracters in his own party?
Issues brought up by Dr Mahathir were very serious and important and certainly need to be answered and resolved quickly by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Abdullah must not hide behind the so-called "elegant silence" because ministers and deputy ministers who have tried to provide answers to the charges so far were not convincing but creating more confusion on the grounds.
If Abdullah continues to keep quiet and the "generals" under him continue to make blunders or behaving like spoilt children, he will certainly lose credibility and in the end creating confusion and uncertainties in the country.
And that's not good for Malaysia, which is currently hit by a lethargic economy, and with cost of living and inflation going higher by the days.
Abdullah must try his best to answer and resolve issues and charges made by Dr M decisively.
As long as he is not ready to declassify certain documents as challenged by Dr M, I'm afraid more and more Malaysians will start to believe Abdullah and his Cabinet is not telling the truth.
Dr M is furious because he sensed that Abdullah is chipping away his legacies and at the same time taking away many projects initiated by him. You may say that he suffers on both ego and financial interests, "big time!"
But we Malaysians should be happy with the "showdown" in the sense that we now have an opportunity to know some truths behind so many scandals and wrongdoings of the Barisan Nasional Government.
So many personalities have come out one after another in the open and more will appear to share their stories with fellow Malaysians.
DAP, as a responsible political party, would not take side but just using the opportunity to right the wrongs of the BN Government.
We cannot support Dr Mahathir for the many things he has done. We also cannot support Abdullah for many things he has not done. Yes, he has said it so beautifully…"Work with me, don't work for me"…"Tell me nothing but the truths"…"I 'm the leader of all Malaysians"…" I want a corruption-free Malaysia"...But he has yet to walk the talk.
Abdullah is a weak leader. He should have made use of the big mandate given to him to change his Cabinet. So many of the ministers left behind by Dr M were not up to the mark and should be changed without further delay. He has missed a golden opportunity, so to speak.
Even ordinary Malaysians can see that many of his ministers were not taking him seriously. None of them have responded positively to whatever calls made by him, whether it's about fighting corruption or administrative reforms of government agencies.
Malaysians were now in real trouble in the sense that there is no better leader to take over from Abdullah. The only way out is to change the government to allow more able leaders from the opposition to save Malaysia from going south.
* R onnie Liu Tian Khiew,
DAP Central Committee Member
(14/07/2006) |
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