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Selangor Registrar Of Societies(ROS) Have Shown Ignorance And Bias Against DAP Contrary To Creating A First Class Mentality By Questioning DAP Party Constitutional Amendments To Restore both Our 1957 Merdeka Constitution To Its Secular Framework And Local Government Elections As Well As Establish A Social Democracy.
Press Statement
by Lim Guan Eng (Parliament, Tuesday ): DAP express shock at the ignorance and bias against DAP contrary to creating a first class mentality by questioning DAP Party Constitutional amendments passed during our Party Annual Convention on 19.3.2006 in the Federal Hotel to restore both our 1957 Merdeka Constitution to its secular framework and local government elections as well as establish a social democracy. DAP had amended the objects of our party constitution for the first time in our 40 years history with an 18-point framework in line with our slogan of “Malaysian First” to move DAP forward in fighting for political equality, economic prosperity, social justice and fighting corruption.. DAP’s ideals for social democracy revolves around the principles of democracy, freedom, justice, integrity and human dignity.
DAP can not understand why the Selangor ROS is questioning DAP’s constitutional amendments which are self-explanatory.
The 1957 Merdeka Constitution is a secular document, a point which has been repeatedly stressed by our first three Prime Ministers that Malaysia is not an Islamic state. Article 11 and Article 8 stresses the fundamental right of both freedom of religion and equality before the law, effectively eliminating discrimination on the basis of religion.
DAP will explain that a secular framework requires not only freedom of religion such as the right to set up places of worship where incidents of Hindu temples being torn down recently should not be repeated but also that no one should be discriminated economically, politically and culturally because of his religious beliefs.
To question DAP’s objective of establishing a social democracy when the earlier objective of democratic socialism 40 years ago is illogical. To even question restoring local government elections not only shows the Selangor ROS’ ignorance but point out to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi’s warnings of civil servants who behave “little Napoleons” in abusing what little power they have to make live difficult for the people.
DAP hopes that the Selangor ROS will stop interfering with the objects of DAP that is passed by the DAP delegates or else DAP is prepared to challenge any refusal to approve our new amendments in the Party Constitution in court.(see letter by Registrar).