The Works Minister
Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu should read carefully Article 77 of the
Parliamentary Standing Orders because his utterances are in
contravention of the Orders.
Statement (Kepong ,
Yesterday, Samy urged PAC Chairman Datuk Shahrir Abdul
Samad to stop meddling in the affairs of the Works Ministry. MP for Kepong Dr Tan comments on the Works
Minister's contradicting statement. Samy said:"The PAC could not keep
asking ministry officials to attend its meetings just so that it would
be able to give press conferences. "We can't waste our time. We only have a limited
time to implement projects. The PAC should realize that it is not the
operator of the Works Ministry," he added. Did he also ask Shahrir to
be the minister? Samy should clarify whether he would insist on
giving only written answers to PAC enquiry as reported by the media. Samy, you have contravened Article 77 of the
Standing Orders. You have held Parliament in contempt. At the beginning of every Parliament, the House
appointed the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) for the examination of
four main areas like the accounts of the Federation and such other
matters as the Committee may think fit, or which may be referred to
the Committee by the House. The Committee shall have power to send for
persons, papers and records, and to report from time to time. Granted, the cancellation of the Johor scenic
bridge integrated project on 12 April, 2006 involves implications and
consequences such as remedial works and compensation to the
contractor. The Claims Committee must decide whether the amount of
compensation is RM100 million. Under the Standing Orders, the Committee can send
for the Works Minister. It does not have to accept his written
, DAP National Deputy Chairman |