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Kongsi-Raya and other Open Houses Must Continue


Press Statement
by M. Kula Segaran

(Kuala Lumpur, Thursday): The recent decision of the National Fatwa Council to call on the government to review “Kongsi Raya” celebrations and open houses is most unfortunate. It is a call which will, if implemented, set back multiethnic relations and mutual cultural appreciation in our country.

It is highly regrettable that a cultural event that “Kongsi Raya’ is being distorted into an religious issue. And for the information of Datuk Seri Harussani Zakarai, the Perak Mufti and chairman of the working committee of the Ulama Conference 2006 in Ipoh, our Muslim were not out to “Conspire or join in the celebration of the festivals of the others religions”.


There has never been any alleged conspiracy. To impute so is not only ridiculous but a great disservice to all those Malaysians who just wanted to share the joy of their celebration of events which are cultural, without religious practices and rituals being carried out.


Malaysian Chinese who celebration Chinese New Year and Indians who celebrate Deepavali observe the religious aspects and requirements of such festivities by themselves, without involving Malaysians of other religious backgrounds. Only the non- religious aspects of the festivals like food, music and dances are shared with the others.


It is sad that the Ulama could be so narrow-minded to jump to the conclusion that our Muslim friends and brothers and sisters could be so easily shaken in the faith if their own religious merely by mixing and sharing in such a non-religious celebration. It os an insult to them and to Islam that Muslims could be so weak and capricious.


It is indeed shocking that in a world beset by so many political. Social, economic problems and misunderstandings among people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds, the Ulama of Malaysia have seen fit to close their minds about the need to encourage people of different faiths to mix more rather than to keep away from one another. It is definitely a stop backward.


We fully support the government’s stand to continue with the practice of “kongsi raya’ and open houses. The effort to encourage Malaysians to mix and unite must go on.


* M. Kula Segaran, MP for Ipoh Barat and DAP National Vice Chairman

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