The people of Sarawak should heed the advice of our former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir not to have a “too strong government” and vote for a strong DAP team in the next Sarawak State Legislative Assembly led by the brave people of Kidurong.
Statement Anthony Loke (Bintulu,
If there is one person that the opposition should thank in the
campaign for this Sarawak state election for speaking the truth from
his heart, it should be our former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir
Mohamad. Tun Dr. Mahathir has sort of become the unofficial
“spokesperson” for the opposition and he had finally conceded that he
can speak from his heart after stepping down as the premier. Tun has
opined that he always believe in a strong government but not too
strong as it is now because it can kill off debate and without a
proper check and balance to the government. This is precisely what we
have been talking about the current situation where the BN controlled
92% of the seats in Parliament and it is tantamount to the saying
“power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely”. In the case
of Sarawak, it is even worse as the last State Legislative Assembly
the BN had 98% of the seats as the Opposition had only one and that
was only because the brave people of Kidurong voted for Sdr. Chiew
Chiu Sing in 2001 as the torch bearer for the “Light of Democracy” in
Sarawak. And we appeal to you, the people of Kidurong to rise to the
occasion once again on May 20th to keep this “light”
burning so that we can have a brighter future not only for the people
of Kidurong but all Sarawakians! In a
Q&A session with a group of Malay
professionals in a close-door talk organised by think-tank Institute
of Economic and Political Studies last year which is now available on
DVD, Tun Dr. Mahathir has said;
“There is, of course, the fear
that when a party dominates too strongly, political debate becomes
impossible, and, if I may say so, one of the things that people might
feel today is an inability to debate, to question, because you would
be outvoted anyway. And I believe that a country must be governed with
strong governance, but not too strong. If the government is too
strong, it kills initiative, it kills debate. So, what
we see today is a strong government but maybe a little bit too strong.
I've always believed that a two-thirds majority is necessary in order
to enable the government to carry out its policies. But a government
that has 90 percent of the seats in Parliament may be regarded as a
little bit too strong and there will be a lot of psychophants along
the elected members and they will not criticise anything. If they
criticise, it will be in a very subdued kind of way.” The people
of Sarawak and especially the voters of Kidurong should heed the
advice of our former Prime Minister despite our reservations and
criticism on his past ill-treatment towards the opposition. The
Sarawakians voters should take this opportunity on May 20th
to send a strong DAP team of Opposition Assemblymen to the Sarawak
State Legislative Assembly to put the BN state government on toe. A
vote for SUPP candidate is a vote for a psychophant as they are only
parasite who will be there to warm up the seats and the only
motivation for them to be in public office is to get into a better
position to gain benefits and government largesse in the process. An overly
dominant government serves no purpose and benefits to the people. At
the federal level, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
with such a strong mandate with 92% of parliamentary seats has not
been able to “walk his talk” in bringing reform to the many ills in
the country and fulfill his election pledges. The most important
election promise he made in 2004 was to wipe out corruption. Where are
we heading now? Do you believe that the problem of corruptions in
Malaysia has been tackled and the situation is better now compared to
two years ago? Without real political will and commitment by
initiating structural reform in the system such as making the Anti
Corruption Agency a real independent body, the “sweet talks will
remain sweet talks”. To push for
real reform and to send a strong message to Pak Lah that his “mid-term
report card” is not impressive at all, the only option is to vote for
a strong Opposition in Sarawak. All Malaysians in Peninsular and Sabah
are counting on our fellow Malaysians in Sarawak as only Sarawakians
have the privilege to go to the ballot box once every 2 years to give
a mid-term assessment to the BN leadership. Sabahans have lost that
privilege and Peninsular Malaysians never had that opportunity. If the
BN are returned with a resounding victory once again on May 20th,
Sarawakians are sending a very wrong message to the federal leadership
as they will take the election results as an endorsement of their
performance and policies and this include your approval to the most
unfair petrol price hike in the last 2 years. The only
way to fight corruptions and malpractices in the system of governance
in the country and in particular Sarawak is to have a more balance
political power in the State Assembly as more Opposition members means
more scrutiny on the government of the day and more “Public Auditors”
to safeguard the interest of all stakeholders that is the people of
Siew Fook,
DAPSY National
Secretary and Negeri Sembilan State Assemblyman for Lobak |