Wong Ho Leng Will Be The Sarawak State Assembly Opposition Leader And DAP Will Speak Up For All Sarawakians To Promote Democracy, Freedom, Justice, Integrity And Human Dignity.
Opening Speech
At The DAP Sarawak Leadership Conference ( Sibu, Tuesday): DAP Sarawak State Chair and ADUN for Bukit Assek Wong Ho Leng will be the Sarawak State Opposition Leader. As the largest opposition party, the six DAP elected representatives in Sarawak will speak up not for one community or one region but for all Sarawakians to promote democracy, freedom, justice, integrity and human dignity. DAP Sarawak and Wong Ho Leng deserves full congratulations and credit for winning 6 out of 12 seats contested and losing 3 seats marginally. DAP received a majority of 52.8% of total valid votes in the 12 contested constituencies. Despite DAP contesting only 12 out of the 71 seats, DAP received 15% of the total votes cast as compared to only 8.5% in 2001. DAP’s 15% popular votes was the highest amongst all opposition parties even though DAP contested the fewest seats, SNAP 9.4% and PKR 8.6%.
DAP’s 15% popular votes should have been translated to 10 seats that highlighted how unfair and unjust the electoral system and the delineation of constituencies done by the Elections Commission. BN’s popular vote fell 9% to 62% as compared to 2001.
Instead of BN getting their wish of a clean sweep and 100% victory, the general trend of the general election results is a swing against BN, which showed sharply reduced majorities even for Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Taib Mahmud of 5,726 votes as compared to the previous 7,301 votes and SUPP President Tan Sri Dr George Chan’s majority of 3,918 was halved as compared to the previous 7,637 votes.
A First World Mentality For Sarawak Once again DAP humbly thanks Sarawak voters who gave DAP its biggest electoral victory in Sarawak since our first electoral foray into Sarawak in 1979. DAP is humbled by their trust and our six newly elected representatives will put their best efforts to be their voice to articulate their aspirations, correct and monitor the Sarawak government to bring about good governance.
DAP’s success is a victory for the people of Sarawak who wants a first world mentality with a strong check and balance to ensure that they determine their destiny, enjoy basic rights and freedoms, promote rule of law, fight corruption and every Sarawakian is treated fairly and equally. In other words a first world mentality requires equal political rights with socio-economic justice; wealth creation with equitable wealth distribution.
Taib and George Chan must take heed of the people’s strong message that they want BN to correct such policies as: · burdening the people with fuel hikes without distributing oil revenues and profits when Sarawak is an oil-producing state; · refusing automatic renewal of land leases title upon expiry upon payment of nominal premiums and not the proposed 50-75% of market rates; · the great income disparity between the rich and the poor; · quotas instead of giving equal opportunities in education and mother tongue language; and · action against corruption and abuse of power.
Such policies can only be corrected if the people develop a first world mentality where a strong opposition is necessary for economic progress by providing for checks and balances. Both Taib and George Chan must start listening to the people and that Sarawak voters have a first world mentality in wanting elected representatives who speak for the people; share their burdens; carry out development projects that benefit the people and not breed corruption as well as treat the people with dignity as “bosses” and not as servants.
Relying On Malaysian First And A
Recruitment Drive Of Capable And Young Members There is no doubt that the 9% drop in popular vote for BN is a strong signal of dissatisfaction and even anger at Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Taib Mahmud who is seen as autocratic, favouring his cronies and out of touch with voters. However DAP was able to capitalize on such unhappiness because of the positive qualities in the Malaysian First ideal as well as in superior class of our candidates.
Malaysian First was introduced on March 18 2006 to celebrate DAP’s 40th anniversary. MALAYSIAN FIRST is a continuation of DAP’s original struggle for a Malaysian Malaysia. Malaysian First stresses the dual purpose of achieving national unity and economic prosperity amongst all Malaysians.
First, national unity should be based not on race or religion but on a common identity centered on democracy, freedom, justice, integrity and human dignity. Secondly the importance of becoming global champions in academic excellence, economic competitiveness, technological merit and knowledge management with environmental protection to ensure economic prosperity that is shared equitably with all Malaysians.
To champion the rights of all
Malaysians, DAP became the first national political party to incorporate in
our constitution the special rights of Sarawak on 19 March 2006 as follows:- · to promote national integration with Sabah & Sarawak, recognize their special rights and infuse a national spirit and unity amongst all races to forge a common identity of a united Malaysian Malaysia.
For DAP Sarawak to speak for all Sarawakians, we must have an effective organizational structure comprising of all talented and capable Sarawakians, especially the youth. DAP Sarawak must carry out a big recruitment drive to strengthen our organization. We must prove that DAP’s victories are not just due to the public anger against Taib Mahmud but a direct consequence of Sarawakians’ hunger to be a developed and competitive state enjoying democracy, freedom, justice, integrity and human dignity.