Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Would Only Just Pass His Own Self-Designed Report Card By Garnering A 42% Score As He Has Only Made Progress In 5 Out Of The 12 Pillars Of Good Governance
Media Statement
by Lim Guan Eng
(Petaling Jaya, Thursday ): Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi would only just pass his own self-desinged report card by garnering a 42% score as he has only made progress in 5 out of his 12 pillars of good governance. Wanita Umno chief Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz has described the Umno president's policy speech during the UMNO general assembly as a "report card" of Abdullah’s work over the last 3 years and said he qualified for a high score. Even though Rafidah did not state how high Abdullah scored, it is clear that such praise is part of the sycophantic culture within UMNO of using false flattery to win favous from leaders. Based on dispassionate reason and an objective evaluation of Abdullah’s performance of the 12 pillars of good governance, it is clear that Abdullah has only made progress on 5 pillars or a passing mark of 42%(Schools now use 40% as a passing mark unlike 50% 25 years ago) Pak Lah's 12 pillars of good governance are:-
Of the 12 pillars, Abdullah can only claim progress in 5 pillars namely, rural development and agriculture(No. 4), bumiputera development(No. 5), acknowledging the role of private sector(No. 6), youth and women(No. 10), and defending Malaysia’s sovereignty(No. 11). As for the remaining 7 pillars, either no progress has been made or Malaysia has backslided in becoming worse off. How can there be effective leadership when his predecessor who appointed him has declared open war against Abdullah barely 2 years after Abdullah took over as Prime Minister? Where are the improvements in democracy when oppressive laws such as as Printing Presses & Publications Act(PPPA), Sedition Act(SA), Internal Security Act(ISA) and Official Secrets Act(OSA) are still retained and applied indiscriminately and arbitrarily. Corruption is now worse off than when Tun Dr Mahathir retired in 2003, Malaysia was ranked No. 37 under the Transparency International’s(TI) Corruption Perception Index.but now is ranked No. 44. Human capital development still takes a back seat to racial quotas and anti-competitive policies. Public sector performance, especially in delivery system is poor with the litany of abuses of powers, non-performance or delays in implementation of development projects by civil servants resulting in higher costs or abandoned projects. Even enforcing the rule of law and fighting crime is a failure when for the first 9 months of this year the national crime index increased by 12.6% to 170,481 crimes reported as compared to 151,444 crimes reported for the same period last year. Finally, national unity is under severe strains with higher intolerance on race and religion as exemplified by extremist threats of UMNO delegates in this general assembly such as:-
If Abdullah wishes to obtain a high score, he must stop listening to lies or false flattery. Abdullah must review the mistakes he made during his last 3 years and fulfill his promise to listen to those who speak the truth and return back to the principle of justice as the core in his administration. (16/11/2006)
* Lim Guan Eng, Secretary-General of DAP |