If Pak Lah wants people to be free to tell him the truth, then he should abolish anti-truth laws like the Sedition Act. S peech
by Lim Guan Eng
(Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall , Wednesday ):
According to the Holy Books, only the truth shall set you free. Now to expect truth from BN politicians is to be asking too much, especially when they have “outlawed” truth. It is Malaysian law that truth is no protection from conviction for sedition cases.
The 1948 Sedition Act has been interpreted by Malaysian courts in such a harsh and broad manner that a conviction appears to the almost inevitable result of a prosecution. As stated by jurists on charges of sedition that violates the basic human rights of freedom of speech, “It is clear from the jurisprudence that no defense lies in either: truth, lack of intention to offend, presence of an innocent or honourable intention, absence of consequent harm, or even in lack of possibility or potential for consequent harm.” “It is immaterial whether or not the words complained of could have the effect of producing or did in fact produce any of the consequences enumerated in the section. It is also immaterial whether the impugned words were true or false.” Just because Malaysia can not be awarded the world heritage site, Rais wants to change the rules and ask instead for an Asian list so that Malaysia can get in. What happened to our aspirations for world-class standards and first-class mentality? This is worse than Singapore’s kia-su. Remember though that aspirations without accomplishments are meaningless just as democracy without accountability is a complete mockery. “Since I cannot agree with President of ASLI Encik Mirzan Mahathir’s statement, and because of the need to defend the position and integrity of independent and non-partisan scholarship, I regret to inform that I will be stepping down from my position as Director at the end of the month.