BarisaBarisan Nasional leaders often made contradictory stands on education and highly politicize the issue of education since independence
______________________________ Dr Boo Cheng Hau
(Johor Bahru, Monday) : I issued this statement in response to Johor Chief Minister and UMNO Johor Chief Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman’s statement made at Ledang Division AGM that he worried the position of Bahasa Malaysia as the national language being eroded after the implementation of teaching Mathematics and Sciences in English. Abdul Ghani was also quoted by today Sin Chew Jit Poh’s Front Page report to have said that the extensive usage of English schools would eventually replace Bahasa Malaysia as the medium of instruction. Abdul Ghani was
also quoted to have said that other developed countries such as Japan,
Denmark, Switzerland have used their people’s own languages as media of
instruction but that never hindered them from mastering other languages. The Barisan Nasional has switched from mainstream English medium schools to Bahasam Malaysia between 1970’s and 1990’s, and now switched back to English medium again after many failures in our education system. It shows their inconsistency and failure in understanding that fact that Malaysia is a diverse society. The Barisan Nasional leaders of different race-based parties only interested in appealing to their separate communal-based supporters in that they fight for the rights of certain races only. This shows that our Malaysian society is still largely polarized along racial lines. The race-based component parties of the ruling Barisan Nasional are responsible for the racially divided Malaysian society especially when it comes to the basic issue of education. I personally agree with Abdul Ghani on the fact that developed countries such as Japan, Denmark, Switzerland have used their people’s own languages as media of instruction but that never hindered them from mastering other languages. Nonetheless, it is UMNO and its Barisan Nasional’s component parties’ failure in treating fairly each and every Malaysian’s right to thrive best in their own mother tongue without neglecting the learning of franca lingua especially Bahasa Malaysia and English. It is timely that Abdul Ghani raised the example of Siwtzerland which is a multiethnic country as compared to Japan and Denmark. Switzerland has four official languages and its constitution allows four languages as media of instruction in schools as required by its constitution. The similar provisions were also incorporated into South Africa’s post apartheid constitution that permits eleven official languages and every citizen’s right to learn and to learn in his own mother tongue. South African constitution also required Government of the day to allocate fund fairly to develop mother tongue education. On the contrary
the Barisan Nasional government has suppressed polarize the society by
giving apartheid like allocations to various vernacular schools. Under the 9th
Malaysian Plan, each Chinese Primary school student gets only one seventh
government allocation, each Tamil school student one-fourth as compared to
each national School student. Abdul Ghani’s claim that children thrive
better in their own language is contradictory to the actual fact that
Barisan Nasional Government has treated various vernacualr schools unfairly
and further polarized Malaysian people.
They also fail to
empower people with education. People’s empowerment through education must
be a foresight to be pursued. Education has to be democraticized by
introducing into the curriculum values which will guard against corruption,
abuse of power, cronyism, racism and discrimination. Socialization of
education is the next step in education reform where the people are
empowered to formulate what kind of education they would want for their