Governement should give first priority to the enactment of the Maintenance of Parents Act
(Kuala Lumpur, Monday) : Welfare Department Elderly and Family Division director, Nik Omar Abdul Rahman, says although more young people are not sending the elderly people to old folks home was not a problem now, it may become one in future. He fears the emergence of the trend to send the elderly to the old folks home. He says even now, every week there are 10 to 15 applications to the department to place senior citizens at such homes. It is reported that Malaysia had 1.73 million elderly people in 2005 with projections showing that the number will reach 3.4 million by 2020.
It is imperative that the Government stems the emergence of such a trend in the bud. I call upon the Government to enact a Maintenance of Parents Act to oblige adult family members to provide for the maintenance of their parents. Singapore has had such legislation since 1995. It is in the public interest that Malaysia provides for such a legislation. As it is, it is the duty of adult children to maintain their parents in old age for the simple reason their parents provided for them up to adulthood. The Governement should give first priority to the enactment of the Maintenance of Parents Act as soon as possible.
Karpal Singh, DAP National Chairman |