Wrong for Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to give the impression that only the BN government can monopolize the King and Malaysians who disagree with BN or seeks fair and clean elections have no access to the King
___________________ Press Statement
by Lim Guan Eng
(Petaling Jaya,
The mass Coalition for Clean
and Fair Elections (Bersih)
gathering on 10.11.2007 is a
civil society movement with a
single agenda of seeking
clean and fair elections that
comprises NGOs and political
parties. No single
organization controls Bersih.
For BN to link Bersih to any
political party is untrue,
unfair and a desperate
attempt at diverting
attention that this call for
free and clean elections is
supported by the mass
majority of Malaysians as
demonstrated by the huge
turnout of more than 50,000
people on November 10. BN
appears to be shell-shocked
at such a huge turnout and
the failure of heavy police
presence and harsh tactics to
prevent the peaceful rally
from proceeding.
* Lim Guan Eng, Secretary-General of DAP |