Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail should resign for abusing his powers in charging three lawyer leaders of Hindraf for sedition solely to prevent them from sending a petition to the British High Commission on grievance by the Indian community on their neglect, marginalization, discrimination and victimization of the BN government
____________ Press Statement
by Lim Guan Eng
(Petaling Jaya,
DAP declares full support for
the proposed rally called by
Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf)
tomorrow to present a
petition to the British High
Commission on grievances by
the Indian community relating
to their marginalization,
neglect, discrimination and
victimization by the BN
government. This follows the
arrest and charge under the
Sedition Act of three
lawyers’ leaders of Hindraf,
P. Uthayakumar, 46, his
brother P. Waytha Moorthy,
41, and V. Ganabatirau, 34,
for inciting a crowd through
speeches in Tamil at a
restaurant in Batang
Berjuntai on November 16. Why
were they charged when they
refused to call off the rally
and not earlier?
* Lim Guan Eng, Secretary-General of DAP |