Police brutality against unarmed peaceful Malaysian Indians submitting a petition to the British High Commission have left an indelible black mark on the police as BN bullies and lackeys who use excessive force to help BN achieve its political agenda to suppress democratic dissent and perpetuate socio-economic injustices
_____________ Press Statement
by Lim Guan Eng
(Petaling Jaya,
DAP condemns police brutality
against unarmed peaceful
Malaysian Indians who have
gathered in tens of thousands
to submit a petition to the
British High Commission. Such
barbaric means employed by
the police have left an
indelible black mark on the
police as behaving no
different from BN lackeys and
bullies who use excessive
force to help BN achieve its
political agenda to suppress
democratic dissent and
perpetuate socio-economic
* Lim Guan Eng, Secretary-General of DAP |