No logical reason whatsoever for the BN government not to buy over all the highway concessionaires, which have already recorded profits of RM 35.2 billion comprising toll collections from the public and compensation of RM 62.2 billion over and above the RM 27 billion in construction cost and expenses incurred
____________ Press Statement
by Lim Guan Eng
(Petaling Jaya, Monday): The BN government should stop privatization when it is more expensive and costly to the public compared to maintaining it as a public asset. DAP welcome the support from Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Chair Datuk Shahrir Samad for DAP‘s long-standing proposal that the government purchase and take over the management of Projek Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan Bhd (PLUS) to resolve the problems faced by the public when toll rates are increased next year. Even if the government rejects the application by 9 toll concessionaires to go ahead with the toll hike, the people will still lose out as the government would have to pay RM 380 million compensation for deferring the toll hike. The breakdown of the RM 380 million compensation to be paid to nine highway concessionaires is:
on revenue received by the
toll companies against the
construction cost, it is
sound economic judgment and
financially feasible for the
government to end this
privatization exercise by
turning the highways into a
public asset. Shahrir said
that a short payback period
of bank loans for private
companies (7 years) as
compared to government (20
years) resulted the
concessionaire seeking toll
hikes. By buying over the
highways Shahrir said that
the toll charges could be
used for maintenance works
and funds saved from ending
the concession could be used
to fill public needs.
* Lim Guan Eng, Secretary-General of DAP |