Ong Ka Ting must explain how much of the RM 1,227 million rural sector development fund under the 2008 budget is earmarked for new villages? _________________________ Speech at DAP Kelapa Sawit Dinner
by Lim Guan Eng
(Johor, Saturday): The 2008 Budget announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has allocated RM 1,227 million for rural sector development such as RM680 million for the construction of rural and village roads, RM462 million for rural water and electricity suppply projects, RM70 million for social amenities, and RM15 million for ICT education in rural areas.
The question for Minister for Housing and Local Government Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting is how much of the RM 1,227 million rural sector development fund is earmarked for new villages. Bearing in mind that new villages are also classified under the rural sector, new villages make up 12.6% of the rural population. In the interests of justice and equity, new villages should also receive 12.6% of RM 1,227 million or RM 154.6 million. DAP challenges Ong to state whether new villages will receive their rightful and just share of RM 154.6 million next year?
Under the 8th Malaysian Plan from 2001-2005, the government allocated RM 21 billion. And RM 28.4 billion under the 9th Malaysian Plan 2006-2010. Assuming that funds were equally spent throughout the 9MP, the total amount allocated for rural development would be RM 35.2 billion during the last 7 ˝ years. For new villages to be allocated RM 500 million for development, which is a mere 1.4% of what is given to kampungs. Is 1.4% Or RM 500 Million Allocation For Development Funds For New Villages Fair When They Comprise 12.6% Of The Rural Population And Should Receive RM 4.44 Billion? Is Ong proud of his achievement in getting only 1.4% of rural development funds? There are 1.25 million people in new villages which are part of Malaysia’s total rural population of 9.9 million in 2005. In other words the 1.25 million new villagers make up 12.6 % of the 9.9 million rural population. DAP challenges Ong Ka Ting to state whether there is equality and justice that new villages get 1.4% of the rural allocation when they make up 12.6% of the rural population. How can RM 500 million be adequate over 7 ˝ years for 452 new villages when they should receive 12.6% of the total rural development allocation of RM 35.2 billion which is RM 4.44 billion? Clearly RM 500 million allocation for development funds for new villages is unfair as compared to the RM 4.4 billion they should be receiving as they comprise 12.6% of the rural population. For this reason, MCA and Ong has failed to secure equal treatment and fair distribution of economic resources to the Chinese community. In a multi-racial country like Malaysia, we should be fighting for the interests of all communities. The only way to do so is to democratize our government by strengthening opposition parties like the DAP, uphold rule of law as well as ensure an efficient and transparent civil service that delivers to ensure that all Malaysians are not left out and left behind.
(8 /9/2007)
* Lim Guan Eng, Secretary-General of DAP |