Statement by Charles Santiago in Klang on
Monday, 30th June 2008:
Recommendations for the Mid-Term
Review of 9th Malaysia Plan
I convened a Peoples Forum on 14th
June, 2008 in Klang to discuss the above.
About 250 people participated in the event. There were about 10 experts
including state and federal level legislators on various fields who
provided expert advice on various issues. It was an effort to involve
the people of Klang in discussing critical issues with the view of
developing recommendations that be brought to parliament.
Therefore, this process was a consultative process with the people and
voters in Klang so that their ideas, aspirations and perspectives are
raised at the highest levels of law making.
Following are some of the recommendations:
A) Small Medium Enterprise
1) A government should consider
setting-up of a SME Ministry which could serve as a one stop center
responsible for the development, implementation, integration of SME
including the approval process;
2) Approval of loans based on viabilities of projects and cash flows
not on collateral;
3) The SME Bank must practice open and transparent in processing
loans, indicate established criteria in loan applications. Financing
of SME should not involve middle-men or runners. This encourages
4) The staff composition of the SME Bank should be reflective of the
country i.e. multi ethnic. They should be knowledgeable on SME
5) Representatives of the various Chambers of Commerce & Industries
should be co-opted into the National SME Development Corporation,
the SME Bank's Board and loan approving committee, and other
statutory bodies involved in SME enhancement programs, such as
6) There is a need to have a more balanced policy in the development
of the SME sector in order to move up the value added activities and
to be more competitive in the global market;
7) All SME regardless of the ethnic background should be able to
take advantage of government procurement ;
1) Industrial Linkage Programme (ILP) should be implemented to
benefit the majority SMEs in the service sector and other
manufacturing sub-sectors, such as textile and apparel, metal and
mineral products and food & beverages industries;
2) Provide more grants and incentives to the SMEs in the
manufacturing sectors in order to acquire new technology, and
undertake R & D initiatives;
3) Set up centralized R&D institutions for SMEs, which will
introduces technological solution, new production methods,
innovative products and commercialization opportunities to SMEs
B) Health Care
1) One common healthcare package
which provides comprehensive coverage for all regardless of income
2) Payment must be subsidised for the poor and equitable access must
not be denied by imposing large co-payments;
3) No private insurance allowed for the conditions covered in the
basic package;
4) Payment for doctors should NOT be on a fee for service basis to
avoid over investigation and treatment;
5) Income differentials between the public and the private sector
must be narrowed;
6) No further privatisation of any component of the health care
C) Water
1) There should be a moratorium
on water disconnection fees given the sudden and dramatic increase
in the cost of living;
2) Access to water is fundamental human right, water should be
provided at affordable rates;
3) Households earning less than RM 1500 should be given free water;
4) Conservation of water should be given the highest priority;
5) To promote public-public partnerships between the various Pakatan
Rakyat governments in water management.
D) Inflation
a. Set up an ASEAN mechanism that
could support the region in overcoming the current energy and
commodity crisis. An energy and commodity buffer fund can be
organized based on competitive advantage of nations in order to
support other countries in the region. Through this mechanism,
countries such as Thailand and Vietnam could sell rice in an
affordable manner, one lower than the international markets, to
other countries in the region. Malaysia could sell oil and oil palm
to other countries in the region;
b. A regional strategy to address speculative funds that are
responsible to pushing up oil and commodity prices;
c. Government to establish a minimum wage for Malaysian workers;
a. The resources and revenue of Petronas should be managed in a
transparent and
accountable way. Petronas should be made accountable to parliament
and no longer to the Prime Minister.
b. Improve enforcement and increase the number of enforcement
c. A comprehensive social safety nets should be put in place
F) Vernacular Education
a. Federal government must
increase allocation, the number of teachers and schoold for Chinese
and Tamil schools;
b. State government should provide land for building more vernacular
G) Other issues:
1. Civil services should reflect
the multi-ethnic country of Malaysia at all level of the state;
2. Stimulation of private investments by reform tax & incentive
3. Reviving our manufacturing sector, particularly high-tech
4. Utilisation of oil & gas revenues, transform into value added
human capital;
5. Stimulation of private investments by reform tax & incentive
structures; Promote competition in all segments of government
6. Transformation of our higher education system, emphasize quality
rather than quantity
Charles Santiago, MP for Klang