Media statement by Teresa Kok Suh Sim in Shah Alam on Friday, 22nd April 2011: Najib's refusal to condemn Utusan's racist-charged call for 1Melayu 1Bumi movement proves his 1Malaysia concept is really 1Joke, with no substance, no credibility whatsoever Utusan Malaysia's call to UMNO to spearhead a 1Melayu 1Bumi movement to battle Malaysians of Chinese descent is but the latest public provocation by the UMNO-owned daily to sow hatred, fear and suspicion among right-thinking Malaysians. Utusan's call is outrageous because it suggests extremist, far-right, Malay supremacist tendencies which are totally against the 1Malaysia concept preached by Prime Minister Najib Razak. What is most outrageous of all is Najib's tolerance of and refusal to condemn Utusan Malaysia's racist invective. Najib has instead brushed off Utusan's vilification of Malaysians of Chinese descent with the feeble excuse that it was merely the personal opinion of the writer. (Source: ) If Najib were truly a Prime Minister for all Malaysians, he would have condemned Utusan Malaysia outright without hesitation and ordered the suspension of the writer with immediate effect. After all, he has all the power and authority to do so being the President of UMNO which owns Utusan Malaysia. It is two-faced of Najib to be spouting 1Malaysia rhetoric one day and turning a blind eye to Utusan Malaysia¡¯s racist invective the next. His inaction proves once and for all that he couldn't care less should Malaysia be further divided along racist lines or should any harm befall Malaysians of Chinese descent following the establishment of 1Melayu 1Bumi. Najib's 1Malaysia concept is really 1Joke with no substance, no credibility whatsoever. * Teresa Kok Suh Sim, DAP National Organizing Secretary, Selangor State Senior EXCO for Investment, Industry & Trade & MP for Seputeh