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Tweet statement by Lim Kit Siang in Kuala Lumpur on Monday, 18th April 2011: 

Will MCA President Chua Soi Lek and the MCA Ministers and Deputy Ministers act like the “three monkeys” which see not, hear not and talk not”

My following 14 tweets are in response to the call by the MCA President Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek that SUPP should not accept any position in the Sarawak state cabinet following the Sarawak state general elections on Sunday, April 16, 2011 on the ground that “the party had lost the Chinese community’s support”.

The question uppermost in everybody’s mind is whether it has struck Soi Lek that by the same logic and principle, all the four MCA Ministers and seven Deputy Ministers should not be in Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s cabinet and Dr. Mah Hang Soon should not be in the Perak State Exco.

Or will Chua Soi Lek, the MCA Ministers, Deputy Ministers and State Excos prefer to be like the traditional three monkeys, who have eyes that see not, ears that hear not and mouth that talk not!


If SUPP obeys CSL n boycotts Swak BN govt even if only by SUPP Chinese leaders, CSL MCA Ministers Dy Ministers State Excos all in the dock!
1 hour ago

MahHangSoon - Y r u still an Exco in Perak BN state govt? Unless CSL changes his position on SUPP boycott, MHS cannot continue as Perak Exco
2 hours ago

Even highly-paid MCA cybertroopers steer clear subject - dare not echo CSL's call 2SUPP boycott BN govt. Y? 1principle 4SUPP but anthr 4MCA?
2 hours ago

Will MCA Presidential Councl tmr endorse or censure CSL call 2SUPP 2boycott Swak BN govt? Or behave like 3 monkeys- no see no hear no talk?
2 hours ago

Let's hear from TanSri Senator Dr. KohTsuKoon! Does he agree w CSL? Or dare not say at all? Chua: "SUPP shld stay out"
2 hours ago

Let all MCA Ministers/DyMin declare whthr they support CSL's call 2SUPP 2boycott SwakBN govt. If dare not, dare they speak up 2Umno or Taib?
3 hours ago

When did CSL become BN Paramount Chinese leader? Endorsed by SUPP? If not, Y sought help of CSL in Sarawak g/e as if he is SUPP "saviour"?
4 hours ago

CSL talk as if he is BN Paramount Chinese leader n KTK his Deputy -but both flunked in Swak g/e.Now want SUPP 2pay price of their failure
4 hours ago

Trouble when English of top MCA strategists so low.They shld all go 4basic English course @babayeo @giamsk I dun think that is what I read.
4 hours ago

Does CSL want all MCA Ministers/Dy Mins 2resign collectively 2show protest 2Najib - going by logic of his advice 2SUPP? Stop equivocating!
4 hours ago

Will 4MCA Ministers 7DepMinistrs act on CSL's advice 2SUPP n annce their posts r suspended pending MCA Central Cttee decision whthr 2resign?
4 hours ago

Problem when SUPP leadrs vainly looked 2CSL KSK 2save them in Swk g/e when both cannot save MCA Gkan. Will CSL now act on his advice 2SUPP?
5 hours ago

CSL wants 1hijack SUPP 2serve MCA interests! Chua: It shouldn’t accept Cabinet posts without public support (Star)
5 hours ago

MCA ChuaSoiLek urges SUPP boycott Swak state cabinet bcos Swak 416 g/e results. Will CSL direct MCA 2quit Najib's Cabinet 4similar reason?
17 hours ago

*Lim Kit Siang, DAP Parliamentary Leader & MP for Ipoh Timor



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