Urgent Memorandum by the Democratic Action Party to the High Commissioner of India and High Commissioner of Pakistan

 The Indian-Pakistani Conflict in Kashmir Necessitates An Immediate and Peaceful Solution

With each passing hour, the world is increasingly concerned and worried by the growing conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir and the possibility of a much-feared nuclear meltdown. Malaysians are no exception to this. As peace-loving members of the world community, the people of Malaysia and their counterparts in every continent of the globe are keeping their fingers crossed for a peaceful solution to the standoff between both countries. 

We, the Democratic Action Party (DAP), wish to express our grave apprehension that the current tension between both India and Pakistan, if not averted through immediate and peaceful means, could lead to an unnecessary and very costly war of untold repercussions at this very challenging juncture of world peace. 

We are deeply fearful of the possibility of such a war breaking out on the Kashmir border because of the dire consequences that it engenders, as underscored below: 

· A war between India and Pakistan will not be seen merely as a war between nation states but one which would inevitably involve religious undertones, i.e. Islam against Hinduism. The scope of such a war will thus not only be confined to the Kashmir border but would give rise to undesired tensions between Muslims and Hindus worldwide. 

· A war between India and Pakistan may well lead to a war of greater proportions – a prospect that the entire world fears – as the use of nuclear weapons cannot be discounted considering the nuclear might of both countries. If such a nuclear war should erupt, it will result in a most tragic global humanitarian crisis as the lives of millions of people are literally at stake. One dare not imagine the unthinkable consequences of it. 

· A war between India and Pakistan will further destabilise the immediate region, if not the world, and place world peace under great threat at this very challenging period of human progress and world history in the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, from which the global community has barely recovered. 

Knowing fully well that such a dreaded armed confrontation will only result in great suffering to millions of Indian and Pakistani nationals and sacrifice the lives of innocent civilians and troops on both sides – the ongoing gun-fighting having claimed a large number of casualties already – we urge the Indian and Pakistani governments to immediately take the following measures: 

· Call for an immediate ceasefire and withdraw all frontline troops from the Kashmir border to cool the escalating tension between both sides

 · Work out a peaceful and permanent solution to the current conflict through negotiation and diplomatic means 

· Ink an agreement to assure the world community that both sides will not use nuclear weapons in any situation to prevent a humanitarian crisis. 

We appeal to the leaders of both governments not to allow their emotions to get the better of their reason and resort to the folly of a war, which could only lead to disastrous consequences. Instead of violence in the form of warfare which is destructive, both sides should seek a peaceful reconciliatory alternative to iron out their differences over points of dispute such as cross-border incursions and militant attacks. 

We hope that both governments concerned will strive for an amicable solution to their long-standing hostility over Kashmir, for the sake of world peace as well good-relations between both countries.


(The memorandum was presented to both the High Commissioners by the DAP International Secretary and MP for Seputih, Teresa Kok, on behalf of the Party on 6 June 2002)