Why Dato’ Seri Lim Keng Yaik must be rejected in the next General Election

Media Statement
Ngeh Koo Ham

(Ipoh, Tuesday): The Perak DAP calls on the electorates of Beruas Parliamentary Constituency to reject Dato’ Seri Lim Keng Yaik without hesitatation in the coming general election. 

He has become an embarrassment to the people of Beruas. He is also a danger to our Parliamentary democratic way of life and a threat to our properties. We  should no longer be misled by his lies on the development he can bring. 

Removing Lim Keng Yaik from Parliament in the next General Election has become an urgent mission for all for the  following  reasons:- 

He is arrogant and proud 

1.                   He has become very arrogant and has total disregard for his constituents. He continued to embarrass the hosts who have invited him to speak by turning the non political events into a political ones by attacking guests from DAP who were also invited to and have contributed donations to the events.

 He has total disregard for Parliament 

2.                   He has total disregard for Parliament which is the highest institution in our Parliamentary democracy by declaring that attending Parliament is a waste of time. Ministers are accountable to Parliament for their performance. His declaration tantamount to an announcement that he is not accountable to Parliament and the Malaysian public.

He holds the view the Chinese must pay 2nd round of tax for their education 

3.                   He condemns the stand taken by DAP that Chinese schools that have been  taken over by the Government must receive 100% grant for all its development projects like all other Government funded schools. Gerakan has degenerate to the level of MCA which holds the view that the Chinese must pay the 2nd round of tax in financing their education. DAP demands that all Malaysians receive equal treatment from the Government as guaranteed by Article 8 of the Federal Constitution. 

He is supporting Malaysia as an Islamic State 

4.                   He is supporting Malaysia as an Islamic State by declaring that Malaysia was already an Islamic State at Independence. This is a total a lie and he must be removed failing which UMNO and PAS will use his declaration to justify their moves to make Malaysia an Islamic State. The Colbort Commission, our 1st Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman and the Courts have all along stated that Malaysia was and still is a secular democratic State. Lim Keng Yaik must be removed failing which he will use his last term to promote an Islamic State for Malaysia. 

He supports the Government taking over small holders’ lands 

5.                   He is advocating for the Government take over small holders’ lands to form schemes like Felda & Felcra. If he is voted in the next round, small holders will be losing their lands by force. Vote him out before it is too late.

He must be made responsible for the disappearance of more than RM400 Million replanting grants 

6.                   Lim Keng Yaik must be held accountable for the disappearance of more than RM400 Million in replanting grants. Small holders have been deprived of the  replanting  subsidies which were in fact their money collected over the years through cess payments. 

This is his last term. He will not care for his constituency if  re-elected 

7.                   The people of Beruas must reject Lim Keng Yaik in the next General because it will be his last term and will probably not be a Minister again. In fact he has openly declared that he will give up his Ministership and remain only as the President of Gerakan. The people of Beruas must be reminded of their disappointment when they put their hope in Dato’ Michael Chen in 1982. They were greatly disappointed when Dato’ Michael Chen totally ignored the Beruas constituency when he did not get a Minister post. He hardly step foot in the constituency after being elected the MP for Beruas. Lim Keng Yaik will be doing the same. This will be his last term. Don’t make the same mistake. 

The Development he boasted about were empty promises 

8.                   Despite boasting that he will bring development to Beruas, after 4 consecutive terms as MP for Beruas (after more than 17 years), there is no industrial  park nor an institution of higher learning in Beruas. It does not even have form six classes. With more than 600 colleges in the country, a Parliamentary Constituency should have an average of at least 3 colleges. There is none in Beruas and students have to go out of Beruas Parliamentary Constituency for their Form Six education. Don’t be misled by Lim Keng Yaik again in the next general election with his promise that he can bring development to Beruas.


*  Ngeh Koo Ham, DAP Perak Chairman