The Home Ministry Should Lift
The Ban On Mabel Au And Qu Mei Feng From Entering Malaysia As They Do
Not Meet The Criteria Of Banned Foreigners Under 8(3) Immigration Act
1959/1963 Press Statement by Fong Po Kuan (Kuala Lumpur, Thursday): The answer given by the Deputy Home Minister, Chor Chee Heung, to me this morning at the Dewan Rakyat is appaling as he could not justify to me and the august House there were valid reasons and legal grounds for the Home Ministry to ban Mabel Au (Tian Chua's fiancee) and Qu Mei Feng (the ex Taiwanese politician who was filmed without her knowledge while having sex ) from entry into Malaysia. On answering my oral question about the Home Ministry's criteria to ban foreigners from entering into Malaysia, Chor said the ban was according to section 8(3) of the Immigration Act 1959/1963 as follows (in summary): a) Whoever fail to show that he has source of income to support himself or herself, so that he would not become a burden to the members of public; b) Whoever suffer from mental disorder; c) Whoever refuse to do medical check-up after he was required to do so under section 39A(1); d) Whoever: i)
has committed offence and being sentenced to jail for a period and have not
received pardon; As such, the Home Ministry is acting beyond its powers and the move to ban the two are unlawful.
I am
disappointed that Chor, instead of giving me a proper reply, diverted
by giving a sweeping statement by saying that "whoever being perceived
as threatened the security of the nation or disrupt peacefulness among
the members of public" would be barred from entering into Malaysia.
This lifting of the ban is not only good for both of them, but it will go a long way to help improve the image of Malaysia in the international community, particularly Taiwan and Hong Kong.
(11/9/2003) * Teresa Kok, MP for Seputeh