Lim Guan Eng. DAP. Malaysia

Ronnie Liu Tian Khiew

(Petaling Jaya, Friday): Tonight, we gather here to celebrate the return of Lim Guan Eng to active politics. Some call it "The Return of the Jedi".

You have Yoda who leads the good guys. And Darth Vader who represents the dark forces. Yoda and Darth Vader are destined to fight with each other, each representing the interest of their own colonies.

Win or lose. Come what may. Yoda has to soldier on to protect his people. And likewise, you can rest assured that Guan Eng will soldier on to protect the rights of the people. Man or women. Under-aged or adults. Ordinary. Or no ordinary.

Lim Guan Eng is a true Malaysian son. He has emerged stronger in the baptism of fire.

We in the DAP can count on him to help leading the party to a greater height. We need dynamic, courageous and tested leaders like Guan Eng to bring up the party in the face of both internal and external challenges.


DAP maybe the biggest opposition party in terms of parliamentary standing. But it's very crucial for the party to break out of our moulds in the coming three to four years.

We have to enlarge our base fairly quickly. We need more Malaysians to join our cause. For freedom, democracy, justice, peace and solidarity with the people.

How do we recruit more young people? How do we attract more non-Malays to support us? How do we get our women to be more interested in politics? How do we organise ourselves into a better movement? How do we improve our party coffers? How do we make more Malaysians to understand the real struggle of the DAP?

We need a strong, dynamic and cohesive leadership to take on these challenges ahead of us.


We believe Malaysia is in trouble thanks to the not-so-effective governance of the Barisan Nasional Government. Never mind about the so-called 8% growth for the first two quarters released by the Bank Negara. Even countries like Indonesia can manipulate with GDP figures to boost its image.

We want Pak Lah to tell us, how many barrels of crude oil we have sold in advance during the 1997 financial and economic crisis? Is it true that most of the crude oil we sold to Japan and Taiwan were fixed at less than US$20 per barrel, and the current price of US$45 or higher has got nothing to do with us?

Our Cheras MP Tan Kok Wai found out that our national foreign debt now stands at RM200 billion. How do we pay our bills without hurting our economy with such a humongous debt?

There's too much of uncertainties due to the not-so-dynamic Pak Lah premiership. He cannot hope to achieve a healthier economy for Malaysia by just making politically-correct speeches and statements. Where are the real reforms he has been talking about? We want to tell him that the Islam Hadhari he coined is not an answer to our multi-religious society.

We do not want him to stop at suspending the dual railway tracks project. But how about the Bakun Dam with no buyers for the electricity generated? How about the world's largest Broga incinerator which acts like a cancer factory?

We do not want him to stop at suspending the 'curve half bridge' over the Strait of Johor. We want him to really get down into business to resolve the water supply and a host of other pending controversies with our neighbour in the south. A better Malaysian-Singaporean relationship will certainly work for our national interest.

We do not want him to stop at going after Kasitah Gaddam and Eric Cheah. What has happened to the 18 big sharks mentioned by the former de facto law minister Rais Yatim? Why can't he give more bite to the ACA? Hong Kong has its ICAC. But our ACA is more like an I-C-beh-C (half-dead, about to die).

Pak Lah has yet to clean up his own Cabinet. How long more do we need to tolerate with minister like Samy Vellu? And minister like Ong Ka Ting is no better. He simply has no clues on how to help the Damansara original school, and other Chinese schools. He dare not even explain to you and I, what has happened to the rightful interest accrued over the past twenty years in the Chang Ming Thien Foundation.

So, Malaysia needs a stronger DAP to provide checks and balances. And we welcome Guan Eng’s return to serve Malaysia through the platform of DAP.


* Ronnie Liu Tian Khiew, DAP national publicity secretary