Ipoh’s Unelected Mayor and councilors Still Accountable to Ratepayers & Principle of Integrity
_____________________________________ The Ipoh City Council has
decided to allow Zulkifli Rezuan to continue working in the position
with full pay but with reduced powers. Ipoh City mayor Hasan Nawawi
has said that the City Council has decided not to suspend Zulkifli as money
¡V saving exercise. This decision has disappointed
a good number of Ipoh ratepayers. As Ipoh Ratepayers and Taxpayers Associations deputy
president Victor Sankey has pertinently asked, ¡§But the issue here is why
was Zulkifli Rezuan not suspended or interdicted on half-pay as required by
existing government discipline regulations?¡¨ Mayor Hasan Nawawi should
remember that although he and all the other councilors are unelected by the
people of Ipoh, they are still under the law accountable to the people in all their
official actions and decisions. And they must always act
strictly in accordance with government regulations and general orders and
respect the principle of public integrity without compromise, and without
fear or favour. Otherwise, they will be judged as having failed to live up
to their oath of office to protect and promote the public interest, and the
interests of the people of Ipoh at all times. Under such circumstances, if they are officers of
self-respect, they too should resign. Because they will be perceived by the
people quite rightly as betraying the public trust. The Ipoh Council’s weak and
strange decision will inevitably strengthen the public impression that there
are some people in the government who are not serious about the Prime
Minister¡¦s campaign to fight corruption and to restore integrity in the
public service. This would be most unfortunate as a public perception. In the larger sense, the Ipoh
Council¡¦s unwise and unfortunate decision reflects the sad state of local
government in our country. An elected Ipoh City Council would have been more
sensitive to the needs and expectations of the Ipoh people and perhaps more
answerable to calls for greater integrity in public life. An unelected
council of course does not have to face the wrath of the people every few
years. Ipoh City council has a total 22 local Councilors appointed by the state
government. An emergency full board meeting need to summoned and the least
they can do is get the reasons from the disciplinary board as to why they
have decided not to suspend Zukilifi todate. As for State Urban and Local
Government Committee chairman Datuk Chang Ko Youn¡¦s role in this
controversy, he should be fully shamed of himself for not standing up for
accountability and integrity in public life.
M. Kula Segaran, MP for Ipoh Barat and DAP National Vice Chairman |