real fighters for MERDEKA (Petaling Jaya, Saturday):
We have just celebrated our nation’s 48th birthday
yesterday.Many Malaysians, especially the young generations born after
the Independence, knows very little about the history of Malaya (now
Malaysia). The History textbooks they studied in schools do not give
them the real picture. Contrary to what they have learned from the textbooks,
UMNO leaders were not the real fighters for Independence. Most of the UMNO leaders in the Merdeka era were actually
senior servants of the British government. Just take the first four Prime
Ministers in the country as example. The first Prime Minister of Malaysia,
Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra AlHaj Ibni Almarhum
Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, was serving the colonial government in Kedah
as a District Officer in districts like Langkawi, Kulim and Sg Petani. After
obtaining his LLB at the Inner Temple, London in 1945, he served as a
DPP and later promoted to the position of a session court president in
Selangor. The fourth
Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, was serving as a
medical officer in Alor Star, Langkawi and Perlis in the fifties after
graduating as a medical doctor in 1953 from Universiti Malaya (Singapore).
He opened his own clinic in Alor Star in 1957. UMNO
leaders were treated as friends of the British. Together with the
leaders of MCA and MIC, they cooperated with the British master to
negotiate for the Independence of Malaya. Little wonder why The Times of
London reported the birth of Malaya with a resonant chord of approval.
In particular it pointed out the impeccable credentials of its
conservative Malay leaders, who, unlike the troublesome radicals of the
Left, had showed that they were of a decidedly more moderate and
accommodating temper. It reassured its readers that: ‘Malayan nationalism had not
been born out of conflict and there was not a single Malayan Minister
who had ever spent a day in prison for sedition’. (The Times, August 31,
1957.) One may even argue that the Alliance
leaders were not the ones that put up real sacrifice for the Merdeka
struggle.On the other
hand, many of the real freedom fighters were thrown into jails. Young Malaysians should know that
PKMM (Partai Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya) leaders like
Mokhtaruddin Lasso, Ahmad Boestaman, Dr Burhanuddin al-Helmi,
Ishak Haji Mohammad (Pak Sako), Arshad Ashaari, Dahari Ali , Baharuddin
Tahir,Khadijah Ali, Ibrahim Karim, Kamarulzaman Teh( Pak Zaman),Abdul
Rahman Rahim and many others have played a pivotal role in the struggle
of Independence.(Merintis Jalan Ke Punchak ,1972) PKMM sent a big delegation to the
historic UMNO (United Malays National Organisations or Pertubuhan
Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu) congress which was held from March 1 to 4,
1946 in Kuala Lumpur. In the inaugural congress, PKMM
proposed to “reject the Malayan Union and demand for a truly independent
Malaya” (menolak Malayan Union dan menuntut
Malaya Merdeka yang seratus peratus). Unfortunately, the proposal was
rejected by the congress and the PKMM delegation staged a walkout as a
protest on the third day of the congress. Its leaders continued to step
up its struggle for a truly independent Malaya, unlike the other
conservative UMNO leaders who wanted to maintain their status quo. The British started to clamp down on
PKMM and API members in 1948. Many members and leaders were jailed and
some of those who escaped from the police went into the jungle to join
the arm struggle led by MCP. This has created a political vacuum, which
was quickly filled up by UMNO with the consent of the British. Both MCA
and MIC were also formed after the establishment of UMNO with the
encouragement from the British.
It must be pointed out that without the struggle and
sacrifice made by these freedom fighters and the pressure mounted by the
Malayan Communist Party led by Chin Peng (as acknowledged by Tan Sri
Rahim Noor, IGP on signing the peace accord with MCP), the British would
certainly not willing to cooperate and negotiate with the Alliance
leaders for an “Independence without bloodshed”. We must also not forget about
the struggle put up by visionaries like Ibrahim Haji Yaakob (KMM, Kesatuan
Melayu Muda) who dreamed of forming Malaya Raya in the
1940s.Some of these freedom fighters continued fighting for MERDEKA during
the Japanese Occupation. We could even trace some of
the freedom fighters way back in 1890s. Some of these legendaries include
Dato Bahaman, Mat Kilau and Mat Kelubi.
Note: Partai Kebangsaan
(PKMM) was formed on 17 October 1945 in lpoh, Perak, a year before UMNO was
formed. Founding leaders include legendaries like Mokhtaruddin Lasso, Ahmad
Boestaman and Dr. Burhanuddin al-Helmi(later became President of PAS). The
objective of PKMM was to fight for a truly independent nation, free from the
stranglehold of the British colonials. Angkatan Pemuda Insaf (API), Angkatan
Wanita Sedar (AWAS) and Barisan Tani Se-Malaya (BATAS), Majlis Agama
Tertingga Se-Malaya (MATA) were all wings set up under PKMM to fight for
* Ronnie Liu
Tian Khiew, DAP International Secretary and NGO Bureau Chief |