Minister should give a full and complete explanation on the question or issues raised when answering questions or issues raised by Members of Parliament in the House of Representatives
Chong Chien Jen (Parliament, Thursday):
Ministers when answering questions or issues raised by Members of
Parliament in the House of Representatives should give a full and
complete explanation on the question or issues raised. Today, I
moved a motion in the House under Standing Order 26(1)(p) to refer the
Minister of Human Resource to the Privilege Committee for concealing
part of the truth and facts when the Minister informed the House last
night that the Sarawak Labour Ordinance will be implemented and
enforced with effect from 1-10-2005 and that he had made the
announcement yesterday morning. The fact is, in
the Minister’s announcement earlier yesterday, the Sarawak Labour Ordinance
was only enforced partially and not fully. Under the
Ordinance, all employees in Sarawak receiving a monthly salary equal to or
less than RM2,500.00 will enjoy the benefit of the provisions thereunder.
However, in respect of the entitlement to over-time pay, Fong Chan Onn’s
announcement excludes those non-manual workers receiving a monthly salary
more than RM2,000.00. In other words, despite the express provisions of the
Ordinance, those employees receiving a monthly salary of more than
RM2,000.00 in Sarawak will still not be entitled to any over-time pay. Why
is there such distinction made? When Members of
Parliament debated the issue in December, last year, not a single Member of
Parliament raised the point RM2,000.00 or RM2,500.00 threshold monthly
salary level. Moreover, the intention of the Ministry in setting the salary
threshold of RM2,500.00 is also clearly stated in the introductory speech of
the Minister tabling the Ordinance, ie. to give protection to more employees
in Sarawak. Why the sudden change of mind by the Minister? To be fair to the
Members of Parliament who have unanimously supported the Ordinance and more
importantly, to be fair to the employees of Sarawak, Fong Chan Onn has a lot
to explain. Why did he not disclose the exclusion made by him in the House
last night when answering my question? Is there reason to hide such
arbitrary exclusion made by him so as to avoid the scrutiny by the Members
of Parliament in the House. The crux of the
matter in hand today is the requirement of Minister to provide full and
complete answer in the House of Representatives when answering questions
raised by MPs. There should not be any selective provision of answers,
disclosing only answer favourable to the Ministry while concealing the
unfavourable part of the information, or what the Minister perceived to be
unfavourable. Only two weeks
have passed in this session, but there have been three occasions when the
Minister provided incomplete and misleading answers in the House of
Representatives. The first one was the AP lists where only APs issued to
MPs were released while tens of thousands of other APs issued were not
released. The second misleading answer was the racial breakdown of equity
holdings in top 20 companies in KLSE provided by the finance Ministry. The
misleading answer provided by Fong Chan Onn last night was the third. We should not
allow it to become a culture in the House of Representatives for the
administration to conceal information from the House of Representatives.
Otherwise, the House will lose its function in scrutinizing the workings of
the Administration and we cannot operate effectively as a supervisory body
over the policies and implementation of government policies.
Chong Chien
DAP MP for
Bandar Kuching and DAPSY Deputy Chief