Making Democracy An Integral Part Of  Our Malaysian Identity: Tan Kok Wai To Head The DAP National Committee To Restore Local Government Elections

At The Inaugral DAP Technical Preparatory Committee Meeting On Reviving Local Government Elections
by Lim Guan Eng

(Petaling Jaya, Tuesday): Malaysians born after 1957 has been called the Merdeka generation. There were high hopes that a new multi-racial nation based on a common identity of being Malaysian. Despite almost 40 years of Merdeka, national unity remains as elusive as ever. We are still identified by race and religion. This has prevented Malaysians from enjoying democracy, equality, freedom, protection of our basic human rights and the right to live with respect and dignity. 

BN’s bangsa, agama dan negara is clearly not inclusive when it appeals to race and religion. DAP’s alternative vision is a Malaysian race based on universal values common to all races such as  democracy, justice, equal opportunity, human rights and fighting against corruption. DAP has therefore identified five core areas to realize the people’s dream of a Malaysian Malaysia belonging to all Malaysians living with dignity and united by one common vision of bangsa Malaysia, pelbagai agama and satu negara namely;

  1. Democratisation by pressing for local government elections to ensure full accountability and transparency;

  2. Economic, environmental and social justice to ensure that economic benefits are fairly distributed to all in a safe and healthy environment with respect for moral values;

  3. Equal opportunities for all to ensure a prosperous and competitive economy; and

  4. Education should be a unifying force and not a political weapon to divide Malaysians;

  5. Protection for rule of law to ensure integrity with emphasis that honesty pays and those corrupt are punished.

Even though the struggle to strengthen these five core areas is a continuing process, the party intends to focus on the restoration of local government elections.  In 1965  democracy in local government was banned. For far too long have local government councillors being an appointed office and the people made to suffer its consequences with poor basic services and amenities, disreputable and corrupt management as well as ineffective and inefficient administration. Local governments are by and large unaccountable, unresponsive and often corrupt.  

Democracy allows us to set our obligations according to the rights we enjoy.  No power without responsibility; no power without democracy. The people have a right to be consulted, to participate and obtain accountability before and after policies affecting them are implemented.   

The time has come after 40 years to return power to the people. To this end the party Central Executive Committee has selected DAP National Organising Secretary and MP for Cheras Tan Kok Wai to head the DAP National Committee To Restore Local Government Elections with the Secretary being MP for Batu Gajah Sdri Fong Po Kuan. 


* Lim Guan Eng, DAP Secretary-General