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Government urged to take immediate action against the attackers and
review its policy on Malaysian Muslims’ religious freedom
_______________________________________ The crimes
committed by this group of armed men are heinous and sinful and they
must be brought to justice. Whatever reservation and disagreement we
may have with the teachings of Arifin Mohamad (more popularly known
Ayah Pin), the actions of this group of armed men can never be
justified. Even if the
teachings of Ayah Pin are wrong, the wrongful acts of this armed group of
men are more heinous, sinful and unacceptable. Everyone must
respect the right to freedom of religion and conscience. One may only
influence another by education and persuasion but never by force. This group of
armed men must be punished for the following reasons:-
For taking the law into their own hands.
For contempt of court and interfering with
course of justice as there is a pending action in court to decide whether
the relevant authorities are allowed to carry out the demolition of the
structures at the Sky Kingdom. They have
committed various crimes like rioting, causing damage to properties, arson
etc under our Penal Code. They have
violated the freedom of religion guaranteed by our Federal Constitution. If the Government
do not act against these attackers, it is sending a message to the public
that it is justified to persecute those whom we consider as cult followers.
We will be doing exactly what the earlier majority did to the followers of
Christianity and Islam when both the religious were in their infancy. The announcement
by the Perak Policy Chief, Deputy Commissioner, Datuk Zainal Mohd Tahir
yesterday that the 46-year-old police officer who is a follower of Ayah
Pin’s teachings will be suspended is most alarming. Unless he has been
guilty under any existing Federal Law which the police force is subjected
to, the Government will be guilty of religious persecution it he is being
suspended because to his religious belief. I verily believe
that the group of armed men believed to be muslims (from their dressing)
have acted with such religious bigotry because of their lack of exposure to
other religious teachings. The existing Government policy prohibiting the
Malaysian Muslims from being exposed to other religious teachings other than
the Sunni Shafii sect is to blame for such narrow religious outlook. I urged
the Malaysian Government to review the existing rules curtailing the
religious freedom of Malaysian Muslims.
Ngeh Koo
ADUN For Setiawan and DAP Deputy Secretary General |