Selangor Developed State 2005 Celebrations Controversy - No Malaysians Will Believe That Selangor Is More Developed Than New Zealand!
Speech at the DAP Sekinchan Branch
Dinner by Lim Guan Eng (Sekinchan, Saturday): Selangor Menteri Besar Datuk Dr Mohd Khir Toyo’s insistence to launch on August 27 the Selangor Developed State 2005 celebrations will not only be a waste of public funds but also affect the integrity credibility and reliability of both Selangor and Malaysia’s economic reputation. How can foreign investors have faith and confidence in the management of Selangor and Malaysia’s economy if Selangor relies on dubious data that is clearly unrepresentative and manipulated? Dr Mohd Khir Toyo had earlier claimed that two reputable and independent bodies conducted the survey that awarded Selangor to be the first state to achieve the developed economy status – namely Malaysia National Productivity Corporation (NPC) and the Swiss-based IMD World Competitive Centre. Selangor had claimed that the two bodies placed Selangor even higher or more developed than New Zealand.
DAP is shocked at the outrageous and ridiculous claim that Selangor is more developed than New Zealand. Those who have been to New Zealand can see that Selangor can nto be more developed than New Zealand. Even if Mohd Khir Toyo refuses to believe what he sees, IMD World Competitiveness survey placed New Zealand at No. 16 for 2005, an improvement of 2 places over last year’s No. 18. Malaysia was at No. 28 for 2005, a drop of 12 places from last year’s No. 16. Malaysia even lost out to Thailand for the first time when Thailand was placed at No. 27.
In other words for 2005, New Zealand had taken over Malaysia’s former No. 16 position and is 12 places higher than Malaysia. How then can Selangor be more developed than New Zealand when even Malaysia is less developed than New Zealand?
Both the NPC and IMD subsequently denied in The Sun on 29 June that they have awarded such a status to Selangor. IMD added that they did not even conduct a survey on Selangor. The NPC said that it only carried out a survey on a questionnaire and even questioned the Selangor State government for claiming exports of RM 87 billion is based on what is shipped out from Port Klang and KLIA. This is deceitful and false because such exports from Port Klang and KLIA do not originate only from Selangor but the whole country. To claim the nation’s exports as belonging to the state is wrong.
More shocking is the claim that in education, Malaysia is No. 2 in the world and even better than Singapore. No Singaporean and not even Malaysians will believe that Selangor is better in education than Singapore. Singapore has a world-class education centre whose excellence and standards is the best in South-East Asia.
Such lies by Dr Mohd Khir Toyo had caused him to clarify on 30 June that the Selangor State government had declared it on its own. He said that the developed state status was a “do-it-your own” effort as no international body can make the proclamation. He added that such a proclamation will be a “symbol” for the state government to work harder and introduce effective programmes for the betterment of the public.
DAP fails to see how the state government has an incentive to work harder when it claims credit for successful results it did not achieve. This is similar to a student getting Bs or Cs celebrated as a top scholar over others who got As. Who wants to study or work hard if you do not need As. Such self-proclamation is not only unethical, unprofessional and irresponsible, it also makes Selangor and Malaysia the international laughing-stock of international investors.
Datuk Mohd Khir should respect truth and reliable information as necessary conditions to investor confidence. He should behave responsibly by canceling the Selangor Developed State 2005 programme when Selangor is not a developed state. This will save the public from spending millions of ringgit to promote a lie.