It is absolutely ridiculous for Malaysians to accept Deputy Internal Security Minister Dato Noh Omar’s Explanation that his ministry was not prepared for the substantial increase in applications for writs of habeas corpus.

Media Statement
by Gobind Singh Deo

(Petaling Jaya, Thursday): It is absolutely ridiculous for Malaysians to accept Deputy Internal Security Minister Dato Noh Omar’s Explanation that his ministry was not prepared for the substantial increase in applications for writs of habeas corpus.

Application for writs of habeas corpus are not filed and heard within a day. Ordinarily it takes a few months, from the date of filing of the application, for it to be heard.


Dato Noh’s ministry must have known for many months that there was a shortage of federal counsel to handle the sudden influx of cases. Why didn’t the ministry take on more counsel all this while? Why did the ministry merely wait and allow applications to be allowed without affidavits all this while?


We cannot just sit back and accept this feeble excuse given by Dato Noh. It is an embarrassment for us not only here but in the eyes of the international world as Dato Noh seems to say he had no lawyers to work for him, which is why many “gangsters” have been successful in quashing his orders in court.


I call upon Dato Noh to do the honourable thing. Be a gentleman and resign.


- Gobind Singh Deo -


*  Gobind Singh Deo, DAP National Legal Advisory Bureau Secretary