Aspirations without accomplishments or economic security without accountability will not endure.
(Petaling Jaya, Sunday): DAP wishes all Malaysians of Hindu faith a Happy Deepavali! The Festival of Lights embodies the faith that the lights will drive away the blinding darkness of ignorance, greed, hatred, sloth and fear to be replaced with the wisdom of knowledge, peace, fairness, freedom and respect for human dignity. Deepavali will be celebrated merrily by Hindus but in the Malaysian spirit by other Malaysians as well participating in our unique open houses. However in the midst of such festivities, DAP regrets that an UMNO MP has chosen to insult and denigrate Malaysian Indians with derogatory words in the august House of Parliament. The time has come for all Indians abd other Malaysians to repudiate, diassociate and turn their backs on UMNO MPs who treat other Malaysians with contempt not for any crime committed but for having a different skin colour! The Malaysian open house gently reminds us that despite our religious, cultural and ethnic diversity in appearance we are essentially Malaysians at heart. National unity centered on Malaysian values of democracy, accountability and justice as well as fighting corruption and poverty is more permanent and resilient than national unity hooked onto a particular race or religion. During this festive occasion, Malaysians should take the opportunity to renew our bonds to the values of our respective individual faith and family values. Aspirations without accomplishments or economic security without accountability will not endure. The Indian community is facing a crisis when its leaders get wealthier but the community becomes poorer. We should therefore recommit ourselves to seeking equal opportunity and a fair wage rate for all Malaysians with a minimum monthly wage of RM 1,000/-. To ensure that those who work receive their just reward based on merit and effort.