Datuk Mohd Ali Rustam Has A Responsibility To Explain Whether He Abused His Powers By Disbursing More Than 50% Of His RM 908,242.33 Health Welfare Fund To VIPs, Datuks And Family Members.
Press Statement (Melaka, Saturday): Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Mohd Ali Rustam must give a full public accounting of this Health Welfare Fund in relation to the source of funds, the qualifying requirements for applicants and the detailed list of those who benefited from the Fund. When I revealed that he had maintained a mysterious Penyata Tabung Kebajikan YAB Datuk Seri Hj. Mohd Ali bin Mohd Rustam amounting to RM 908,242.33 since 19/12/2001, parked at Southern Hospital, Datuk Mohd Ali had publicly promised to make the list of beneficiaries known to me privately but would not make it public. I had contacted his private secretary yesterday who was aware of the Melaka CM’s promise to let me look at the list of beneficiaries. However I am disappointed that there has been no contact after this. This controversy is of public importance and interest because Datuk Mohd Ali said the funds were collected from UMNO Melaka and members of the public with the express purpose of giving financial medical assistance to the sick with illness. Datuk Mohd Ali then said that this Welfare fund was used to help the poor and needy pay their medical bills. Datuk Mohd Ali even claimed that he is a guarantor of RM 280,000/- which remained unpaid at hospitals. He stressed that all bills have to be personally approved by him before payment can be made. To date, Datuk Mohd Ali has failed to to publicise the requirements the public has to follow to apply for the fund. Why is it that the public does not know that such a medical fund exists during the last 3 years it was set up? That Datuk Mohd Ali has to depend on me to publicise his welfare health raises questions about his sincerity in helping the poor and needy. Datuk Mohd Ali Rustam’s refusal to show me the list of beneficiaries shows that he has something to hide. I wish to challenge him whether his refusal is related to the fact that amongst the recipients of medical assistance included Datuks, Datins and members of his own family. Giving medical assistance should be given to the poor and needy not the rich and well-off or members of his own family. To do so would be an abuse of power as well as deceive and mislead those who donated to the fund with the purpose of helping the poor and needy get financial medical assistance, not to give to the rich, Datuks, Datins or members of the Melaka Chief Minister’s own family. For instance, RM 113,467.88 or almost 13% of the funds given to Datuk A, RM 106,742.26 or 12% of the funds given to Datuk B and RM 1,770 to a Datin Seri A, the three Datuks and Datins alone have received RM 25% of the funds. I shall be doing a detailed study of the list to check out his family members and other beneficiaries who are not poor or needy
I have been informed that up to 30% of the Fund were given to Datuks and the rich, whilst more than 20% given to his own family members. With more than 50% given not to the needy but to VIPs and his own family is a perversion of the original purpose of using such public funds to help the the poor. Datuk Mohd Ali Rustam has a responsibility to explain whether he abused his powers by disbursing more than 50% of his RM 908,242.33 Health Welfare Fund to VIPs, Datuks and family members. (Click
here for letter sent to Mohd Ali