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2019 Deepavali Message by DAP Secretary-General and MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng

Vision 2020’s Goal Of Fostering Bangsa Malaysia Established Through Fulfilment Of Promises, Fostering National Unity By Overcoming Trust Deficit Amongst The Various Races And Religions, Sustainable Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship And Excellence In Digital Technology, Justice And Rule of Law, Equal Opportunity For All And Shared Prosperity

As we celebrate this year’s Deepavali, let us also celebrate good over evil, hope over despair, and constructive action that brings positive outcomes over lies and slander, that seeks to divide and destroy all we have built since the historic 2018 general election that brought about a change of government for the first time in 61 years.

We need look no further than the Vision 2020 goal of fostering Bangsa Malaysia formulated by then and current Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in 1991. Vision 2020’s goal of fostering Bangsa Malaysia established through fulfilment of promises, fostering national unity by overcoming trust deficit amongst the various races and religions, sustainable economic growth, entrepreneurship and excellence in digital technology, justice and rule of law, equal opportunity for all and shared prosperity.

Malaysians will have faith in Bangsa Malaysia, if the present PH Federal government works hard to progressively fulfil our promises made in the PH 2018 General Election Manifesto. Whilst the rakyat understands that the excesses of the previous administration can not be overcome within a short time, strenuous and sincere efforts must be seen towards fulfilling them with reforms such as ending detention without trial. DAP maintains that oppressive laws like SOSMA should be abolished as promised in the PH General Election manifesto and would continue to work towards them in PH.

Malaysians must not underestimate the threats posed by those who wish to disrupt national unity with extremist and racist statements. We must remain vigilant against those who openly wish to replace the PH by undemocratic means or by those in “Deep State” who undermines the administration and cohesiveness of PH.

DAP urges all parties to respect the PH electoral mandate to rule Malaysia through the five components parties of PH comprising Bersatu, DAP, PKR and Amanah as well as Warisan. Action must be taken against anyone who seeks to remove by illegal or illegitimate means, any of these 5 parties running Malaysia as a betrayal of democracy as well as the clear and unequivocal mandate of the rakyat.

The question of political transition has spilled over from the political arena to the economic and financial realm. DAP reiterates PH’s full support for Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as the Prime Minister as well as Tun Dr Mahathir and PH transition plan of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as the next Prime Minister. Let there be certainty, clarity and consistency in both political and economic policies to build public confidence and overcome the trust deficit.

Happy Deepavali to all.