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DAP is prepared to stand together with the MCA and even sign a joint statement to urge Ismail Sabri to retract and apologize for his “wrong, extreme, and racist remark”

Yesterday, the MCA Secretary General Ong Ka Chuan alleged that the DAP was focusing its attack on MCA rather than Ismail Sabri over the latter’s racist remark to call on the Malay consumers to boycott Chinese traders. This is far from the truth. DAP leaders have consistently slammed Ismail Sabri and pressured for his removal from the Cabinet if he fails to retract and apologize for his racist remark.

DAP leaders criticized MCA President Liow Tiong Lai for his failure to keep his promise to speak up against racism as he dared not even ask Ismail Sabri to retract his racist remark in the last Cabinet meeting as mentioned by Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein.

DAP is prepared to stand together with the MCA and even sign a joint statement to urge Ismail Sabri to retract and apologize for his “wrong, extreme, and racist remark” or else be sacked from the Cabinet provided that the MCA also agrees that all Cabinet Ministers in particular the 2 MCA Ministers must resign if the Cabinet fails to sanction and order Ismail Sabri to retract and apologize at the Cabinet meeting this Wednesday.

I am prepared to represent DAP to issue the joint statement with the MCA Secretary General Ong Ka Chuan before this coming Cabinet meeting on Wednesday.

The ball is now in MCA’s court to show that it still has some guts to stand up to UMNO or else MCA should just close shop and admit that they are just “political eunuch” to UMNO!