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DAP welcomes the decision by the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court today allowing the applications by Gadek assemblyman G Saminathan and three others to refer to the High Court on whether they can be offered bail despite being charged with alleged links to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) group

DAP welcomes the decision by the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court today allowing the applications by Gadek assemblyman G Saminathan and three others to refer to the High Court on whether they can be offered bail despite being charged with alleged links to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) group. Judge Rozina Ayob said in her ruling that there was merit to the applications filed through DAP lawyers led by Jelutong MP Ram Karpal Singh.

Detention without trial for 28 days during investigation and denial of bail are amongst the draconian measures in Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 or SOSMA that should be abolished as promised in the PH 2018 General Election Manifesto. G Saminathan who is also Melaka State EXCO member and Seremban Jaya Assemblyman P. Gunasekaran were 5 DAP members amongst 12 members charged for alleged LTTE offences.

DAP elected representatives were deeply unhappy during the national meeting last night in DAP Headquarters, at the sudden shift by authorities towards relying on oppressive laws against DAP state government leaders on unsubstantiated grounds. Questions were raised as to why similar action was not taken against opposition leaders when they were in government, before the 2018 general elections.

A common question that remain unanswered was why action was taken against DAP elected representatives by the present government for alleged offences committed before 2018, when the previous BN government had not taken similar action against them. Failure to take similar action against the then government leaders who are now in opposition, some who have given funds raises questions of the existence of a deep state.

The two main issues raised during last night meetings were the detention of DAP elected representatives for alleged LTTE links and the banning of the comic book for allegedly promoting communism. Again questions were raised as to why no action was also taken against former government leaders who attended a communist party training school or gave speeches at a communist party congress.

These sentiments expressed were also raised during the Cabinet meeting today. A review of SOSMA to allow for greater judicial oversight and to remove several draconian provisions, were still ongoing, and that the government will allow for appeals and judicial review by the courts against all decisions made by the Home Ministry on the comic book or on police investigations. An explanation should be forthcoming by the authorities on LTTE, which does not exist any more, vis a vis other existing terrorist organisation like ISIS.

DAP continues to stand in solidarity with our detained DAP elected representatives and members. DAP will offer legal assistance as well as help their families and constituency. DAP will continue our engagement within the government to ensure that promises made in the PH General Election manifesto will be implemented and complied with not only in spirit but also in words and deeds.