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Latest Opposition strategy – dismember DAP and Amanah to dismember Pakatan Harapan Government

The latest Opposition strategy seems to be to dismember the Pakatan Harapan Government by dismembering DAP and Amanah.

This could be seen by the hectic campaign on the one hand to paint the DAP as anti-Malaysia in supporting the LTTE although the Sri Lanka civil war had ended 10 years ago and there was never any evidence to show that DAP had supported terrorism of any form and on the other hand to demonise the DAP as anti-Indian as stated by an UMNO Member of Parliament in the current debate in Parliament on the 2020 Budget.

This is also the line taken in the attack over Hew Kuan Yau’s comic book on China’s Belt and Road Initiative – to paint the DAP as on the one hand communist and a stooge of the Chinese Government while on the other hand, a “running dog” betraying the rights and interests of the Chinese Malaysians although both DAP and DAPSY had nothing to do with the comic book.

I had warned two days ago that there will more lies, fake news and hate speech with the approach of November 11, when the Kuala Lumpur High Court will decide whether the former Prime Minister, Datuk Najib Razak walks free or will be ordered to enter his defence on seven charges of abuse of power, corruption and money-laundering involving RM42 million of funds from SRC International, and if Najib’s defence is called, from November 11 till the judgement of the SRC trial.

At the rate that lies, fake news and hate speech are being spread to incite inter-racial and inter-religious polarisation and conflict and undermine confidence in the integrity of the various national institutions, it would not be long before basic national documents like the Malaysian Constitution and Rukunegara would be regarded as anti-Malaysian or unMalaysian documents because they were founded on the belief that Malaysia is multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multi-cultural nation and that the future, success and prosperity of Malaysia lie in the development of the concept of a Bangs Malaysia, where more and more Malaysians regard themselves as Malaysians rather than just as Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Ibans or Orang Asli.

DAP stands for the Vision that Malaysia can become a top world-class nation in many fields of human endeavour and be an example to the world that Malaysia is a success story of the Alliance of Civilisations rather than a basket case of a failure from a clash of civilisations.

The DAP will remain committed to this Vision of Malaysia as an united, harmonious and successful nation which is world-class in many fields of human endeavour, striving for a future which is greater than any period in the past.