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NRECC should include elected representatives in special monitoring team to analyze land hazard at Kampung Raja, Cameron Highlands

I would like to first thank the Minister of Natural Resources, Environment, and Climate Change Ministry (NRECC) Nik Nazmi and relevant agencies for their effort and explanation of the Kampung Raja landslide hazard.

The Ministry explained that JMG conducted studies and gave the area a moderate-high landslide hazard rating. Also, the situation was aggravated by earthworks that did not follow best practices.

While I applaud the Ministry’s initiatives to remedy the land hazard at Cameron Highlands, I also call upon the Ministry to strengthen transparency and openness by making public JMG’s technical report so that the public, professionals, and local residents can read and understand the details about the landslide hazard better.

The Ministry also explained via its statement that the developer has been instructed to carry out remedial works. As such, I call upon the Ministry or relevant departments to provide more information and details about the remedial works that will or have been carried out, such as the measures taken as part of the erosion and sediment control plan (ESCP), the work progress, and the expected completion date. This will help alleviate the fears of the residents concerning the landslide hazard.

With regard to the Ministry’s announcement of forming a special monitoring team consisting of various agencies led by the Pahang Land and Mines Office, I urge the Ministry to also involve the elected representatives in the monitoring team. Apart from monitoring the site and analyzing the landslide hazard together, the elected representatives can better channel the residents’ voices and opinions to the agencies and help improve transparency.