The PH Federal Government has set aside and willing to give Tunku Abdul Rahman University College(TARUC) at least RM30 million annually from 2019 onwards, it is MCA that refused to take up the offer by giving up its political control of TARUC. The PH Federal government is built on the foundation of democracy, justice, rule of law and fighting to reduce corruption through institutional reforms. These institutional reforms include separating government, business and education from political control, manipulation and interference.
For this reason, public funding cannot be given to institutions that are controlled by political parties. This basic principle of public accountability is practiced in all democratic countries in the world and respected by all political parties in Malaysia, including the opposition parties, except for MCA. For the PH government to continue to give public funding to TARUC when MCA still retains control, would be to betray this fundamental principle of separating public funding from political parties.
This principle of giving funding of at least RM30 million annually from 2019 onwards to TARUC when it is run by professionals and not controlled by MCA, is not only my personal stand but also endorsed by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. The latest endorsement is in writing by the Prime Minister on 15th October and confirmed on 21 St October 2019.
Let me reiterate again that the government has no interest or intention of taking over control of TARUC as claimed by the lies in the biggest mainstream Chinese and English media, controlled by MCA. Again these papers lie by comparing TARUC to MARA, when MARA is not owned and controlled by UMNO but by the government. So long as MCA gives up control of TARUC to the main TARUC Students Alumni Association and Chinese community, without any political background, public funding of at least RM30 million annually beginning from 2019 shall be restored immediately.
The PH Federal government wants a complete break with the past of mixing up political power with public funding for institutions controlled by political parties. DAP has no intention of setting up educational institutions just to secure public funding and the government will not give public funds to organisations owned by political parties.
The suggestion by MCA to give RM1,000 to every TARUC students instead, is just not feasible nor logical, because this would require the same amount to be given to all public university students as well as other private universities. The government would not be able to afford such a huge expenditure.
MCA should do the right thing by complying with the law and give up political control of TARUC to their Students Alumni and the Chinese community, so that TARUC will not lose out at least RM30 million annually due to the selfish and stubborn political interests of MCA to continue to control TARUC. What is so difficult about MCA giving up political control, if MCA is sincere about promoting the interests of TARUC?
Let TARUC be free from political control and be run professionally so that TARUC can take its place as a center of educational excellence at affordable prices. This is a test for MCA whether MCA values TARUC or MCA more.