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Police should have completed the investigation by now and release the detainees under SOSMA regarding LTTE issue

After 15 days of detention, Police should have completed the investigation by now and release the detainees under SOSMA regarding LTTE issue.

Let us be clear that detention without trial is against the universal principle of natural justice.

Any accuse is innocent until it is proven guilty. As a result, to detain someone without trialespecially under SOSMA is most inappropriate and it warrants a review.

Since 1966, DAP is always against all form of terrorism and violence.

We appreciate dan respect PDRM’s effort to combat terrorism, however detention without fair trial under SOSMA for 28 days is obviously against the rule of natural justice and it does not augurs well for Malaysia Baharu.

If PDRM is really convince there is solid evidence against the detainees, the suspect shall be brought to the court for a fair trial, at least be given a chance to defend themselves.

Based on the above legal principle, as Deepavali is just around the corner, I personally appeal to the Inspector General of Police, YDH Tan Sri Hamid bin Bador to complete the police investigation by now & release the detainees under SOSMA so they can return home to celebrate Deepavali with their family.