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The new special select committee on elections is a major step forward in PH’s commitment towards electoral reform

I welcome the parliament’s decision to established four new Special Select Committees, especially the committee on elections.

Various stakeholders have been advocating for the establishment of the Special Select Committee on Elections. In fact, I have tabled a motion in the current parliament session for such a committee to be established. I am glad that the government and parliament have taken the proposal into account.

The new Special Select Committee on Elections will have an important role to play. It enables members of parliament from both sides to scrutinize and hold the Election Commission (EC) accountable. This reform by the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government is a big step towards strengthening the independence and transparency of the EC.

The establishment of this committee proves that PH is serious and committed towards electoral reform. Since coming into power, the PH government has set up a constitutional tribunal to investigate the manipulation by the former EC members. The government has also set up the Electoral Reform Committee (ERC) to study and propose improvements to our electoral system and processes.

Therefore, I urge all Malaysians to continue participating in the electoral reform process so that we can have cleaner and fairer elections in the future.