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Wee Ka Siong’s baseless accusation in his party-owned newspaper

The MCA owned newspaper, The Star, has published a news article entitled “Dr Wee: 42 DAP MPs but no courage to voice out public grievances in Parliament” yesterday. The report was based on what Wee Ka Siong has said while campaigning in the Tanjung Piai by-election.

Indeed, it is easy for Wee Ka Siong to take a potshot at DAP using his party-owned newspaper.

I challenge Wee Ka Siong to state what was his basis of making such a groundless statement against DAP MPs.

As far as DAP is concerned, indeed, we have 42 MPs. 11 of the MPs are ministers and deputy ministers who have diligently carried out their parliamentary duties by providing answers to all questions raised by the opposition. The remaining 31 MPs are backbenchers who have been actively participating in debates and question sessions.

For example, 5 out of the 34 oral questions for next Monday’s parliament session are by DAP MPs. My colleague from Sandakan, Vivian Wong will be raising the issue of waste management in her constituency via the Special Chambers. Many DAP MPs are also part of the special select committees in parliament, which scrutinise the government directly on matters such as the budget and human rights issues. As for myself, I have raised various public grievances in parliament, including on the recent SOSMA case.

DAP MPs have also spoke out on various public interest issues outside of parliament. Unlike MCA MPs during the BN era, we do not shy away from criticising the government even though DAP is part of the government.

Wee Ka Siong should instead be asking if he and his party had and have the courage to stand up against their political partners. Did Wee Ka Siong and MCA voice out against Najib Razak and the 1MDB scandal when they were in the government? Did he say anything when RM7 billion was used to repay 1MDB debt even before PH won the general elections last year? Will Wee Ka Siong now stand up against UMNO-PAS alliance who have called DAP and MCA members kafirs to gain political support?