Teo Nie Ching is new Wanita DAP Chief


Deputy Minister of Communications and Digital (KKD), Teo Nie Ching, has been named the new Wanita DAP Chief at the DAP National Women Congress today which was attended by a total of 305 Wanita DAP delegates from across the country.  

Teo who is also DAP’s Publicity Secretary has vowed to continue striving for gender equality until the women’s wing in the party is no longer necessary. 

“The ultimate aim of Wanita DAP is to one day dissolve our women’s wing, because that would mean we have finally achieved the gender equality and gender mainstreaming we have worked so hard towards.” 

Teo’s predecessor Chong Eng has served the position for 22 years and did not seek re-election as she believed it was time to make way for a new generation of leadership. 

“On behalf of Wanita DAP I would also like to record our gratitude towards Sdri Chong Eng for her immeasurable guidance and leadership over the past 30 years. 

As such, we have decided unanimously to appoint her as our advisor. We believe her experience will be a great asset to us.” 

The congress was officiated by DAP Secretary-General, Anthony Loke who recognises the invaluable contributions women can make in politics and believes women mainstreaming in the party will be a reality without the 30 percent leadership quota that is currently in place.   

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