It has been 10 days since the beginning of the by-election campaign in Kuala Kubu Baharu. Voters in the area just one-hour away from Kuala Lumpur have seen leaders from across the nation come in droves. All with just one mission – to ensure Pakatan Harapan wins come 11th May and stability continues undisturbed in the quaint and quiet town.
Across the one week of campaigning, multiple activities were conducted to meet the people of Kuala Kubu Baharu. By the hour, plans such as walkabouts, house-to-house visits and mini ceramahs were scheduled to ensure that our darling candidate, Saudari Pang Sock Tao gets a chance to introduce herself to the rakyat. However, with a voter count of 40,000 it is no ordinary feat for Saudari Pang to meet every single person, so Pakatan Harapan and parties from Kerajaan Perpaduan came down to lend a hand.
It has been a roaring success to see the campaign schedule be packed with much-needed human touch. Leaders such as the Secretary General of the DAP, Anthony Loke, National Chairman of the DAP, Lim Guan Eng and all members of the CEC took time off to convince the voters to vote for HARAPAN. We also saw leaders from across Pakatan Harapan such as Vice Presidents of KEADILAN, YB Chang Lih Kang and YB Nik Nazmi come to give support to the campaign.
Not to forget, our friends from the Unity Government also showed their unwavering support for the candidate and for HARAPAN, even since the beginning of nomination day. This includes UMNO President, Dato’ Seri Zahid Hamidi and UMNO Information Chief, Dato’ Seri Azalina Othman.
All of this solidarity for the candidate shows that the Unity Government is serious about continuing stability in the area and Selangor. This by-election cannot be met with indifference and detachment but with a fighting spirit to win so that the Selangor State Assembly can continue to function with majority support.
The encouragement does not go unnoticed so we hope this may fuel us until polling day happening this Saturday, 11th May.