A celebration of our rich culinary heritage!

At the 3rd Global Culinary Challenge, I had the honor of doing a live demonstration for about 20 minutes. This would be on stage, in front of my SG and chefs from around the world. I thought long and hard about what dish to prepare – something that truly represents the unity, variety, and diversity of Malaysia. I wanted a dish with a fresh taste so distinct and unique, it captures a single identity while letting you appreciate each ingredient in it.

I decided on kerabu mangga, or as I like to call it, Mangga Kerabu. It’s a dish that’s simple to make and quick to prepare, but its flavors linger on the palate longer than you’d expect. To me, it’s the perfect appetizer – a true “pembuka selera” that leaves you hungry for more. The combination of sweet, sour, and spicy elements embodies the spirit of Malaysian cuisine and is a celebration of our rich culinary heritage.

Howard Lee
MP Ipoh Timor

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