The Democratic Action Party of Malaysia extends its heartfelt well wishes and congratulations to the Labour Party of United Kingdom

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Media statement by the International Affairs Department of the Democratic Action Party, Malaysia on Saturday 6th July 2024 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The Democratic Action Party of Malaysia extends its heartfelt well wishes and congratulations to the Labour Party of United Kingdom for its landslide victory at the polls and our profound commendations to the UK’s new Prime Minister Sir Keir Stamer and his team, for their tireless work and effort that delivered a handsome victory for the party.

As a social democratic party, the DAP recognises the call made by the Prime Minister Sir Keir Stamer, and leader of the Labour Party in his maiden speech on the steps of 10 Downing Street, for the return of politics to public service and for national renewal. The DAP shares this vision, alongside our message of hope, stability, moderation and progress for all of the UK.

In a time where we bear witness to regimes that pose a threat to democracy, freedom, justice, equality, integrity and good governance, the people of United Kingdom have shown once again that the power to change is truly in the hands of the voters and rightfully so in giving the mandate to the Labour Party to govern, through a smooth and peaceful transition of power.

The DAP looks forward to further strengthening our close political ties and forging a strong and robust camaraderie between the 2 parties that believes in the fundamental principles of social justice for all. With principles intact, decades of support and solidarity between the two political parties have stood the test of time and we trust, will continue to grow and thrive in this sometimes uncertain and volatile political landscape.

The future of meritorious, honourable and exemplary politics lies in the visionary leadership of any political party. It is the cornerstone of courage, inclusivity and to stand up for what is right, without fear or favour. We trust the Labour Party will do its utmost to serve the interest of the people and nation with this new mandate.

We wish the best to the Labour Party in mapping out its steps for reform, to remodel and to renew the United Kingdom in safeguarding the rights of all, for progress, for nation building and change.

International Affairs Department
Democratic Action Party

Photo credit: BBC

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