A mother’s heart

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The day God made me a mother, everything changed for me. Mostly my viewpoint and my hearing. Another child’s cry will come across as my baby’s cry. I look at stairs, escalators and windows differently, worry about the potential danger they bring. For youth, I think of bankruptcy, drowning, addiction and that takes me to prison and recovery centres to focus on rehabilitation and restoration. The heart is for the child.

This change allows me to see things differently. At SUKMA, I met our young gymnasts for a group photo. When this little one who is only 12 was standing next to me, I noticed some smudged mascara. I stopped and asked her if she’s been crying. She nodded because apparently she didn’t do too well and was disappointed with herself. I told her she has every reason to be proud of herself, for being able to represent her state and compete at national level even though she’s only 12! Gave her a hug and hopefully she feels better soon.

These little things I pick up whenever I am with my stakeholders like athletes, youth and children (in my previous role) can tug at my heart even after I leave the event. Emotionally it was very difficult to witness our athletes’ disappointment and tears in Paris. Even though the Olympics are over, I have yet to find time to process all of that.

Pray for me and mothers everywhere – may we turn this burden of seeing what a mother sees into something positive for our youth and athletes. May the grace and kindness of God help us be present for these young lives with a timely word of encouragement and lift their spirit up. May we always find the right words to say. Amen.


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