Lack of action on the likes of Akmal Salleh erodes public confidence in the Inspector General of Police

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The latest debacle surrounding halal certification for eateries has stirred up plenty of reactions – including from lawmakers voicing out concerns by their constituents and electorate, former lawmakers, civil society, F&B associations, activists and the public at large.

One series of uncalled comments came from Dr Akmal Saleh, State Assemblyman for Merlimau who made scathing remarks towards DAP lawmaker for Seputeh Teresa Kok on the halal certification for eateries in the country.

His nasty remark, which was sexist, racist and divisive in nature triggered a mob mentality response by netizens, including police reports made against Teresa Kok and also those who opposed his type of populist and hype-politics.

Having a difference in opinion is most welcomed, especially if you are a public figure and a representative of the people to be open to constructive criticism and ideas. It also comes with decorum, respect, civility and decency, to be an example to the public.

Akmal Saleh’s overreaction on this matter, making personal attacks against Teresa Kok, instigating and provoking the public to rally against her and especially on her statement which was made in response to one that was made earlier was certainly in bad faith intended to divide Malaysians, instead of uniting.

IGP Tan Sri Razarudin Husain stated that investigation papers were opened against Teresa Kok, who was then summoned by the police to record her statement at Bukit Aman. She gave her full cooperation and chanced on a meeting with two JAKIM officers in Parliament a few days ago.

Now that Teresa Kok has cooperated and given her statement, will the IGP also summon Akmal Saleh to give his statement using the same principles applied on her? Why has there been a delay on calling up Akmal Saleh? His outrageous and many times offensive statements were made to propel him alone as a fighter and who is fearless. It is is comical now that he has chosen not to react with the same bravado and criticism on the case of children who were sexually assaulted in shelter homes run by an NGO-business entity but chose to blow Teresa’s statement out of proportion.

While it has been more than a week since the halal certification matter, the IGP has been dead silent on Akmal Saleh. IGP was quick to remind Teresa Kok that while freedom of expression is protected under the Federal Constitution, there are limitations. Is this also applicable to Akmal Saleh?

The public discourse expects Akmal Saleh to be summoned by the police as well – else with the lack of action on the likes of him who pleasures on brandishing immature politics under a MADANI leadership, the good name of the police will be tarnished and will contribute to an erosion of public confidence in it.

While Malaysians applaud and throw unwavering support behind the police on unearthing the horrific findings of sexual violence against children in certain shelter homes, we must not allow the antics of Akmal Saleh to undermine our police force.

Kasthuri Patto

DAP Deputy Secretary for International Affairs

DAP Vice Chair for the Women’s Wing

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