Sarawak Labour Ordinance: Good news for Sarawakians

The announcement by the Minister of Human Resource YB Steven Sim that the Sarawak Labour Ordinance (SLO) will be tabled in Parliament at the end of the year is a long-awaited good news that will benefit our workers here in Sarawak.

Such announcement was made after getting the principle consent and approval from the Premier of Sarawak Abang Johari and the Sarawak Cabinet that the Sarawak Labour Ordinance will be amended to be aligned with the Federal Employment Act 1955, after accelerated efforts been made between both the Federal Ministry and the State Government.

This amendments has been long awaited and since the current Minister took office in December 2022, it became one of his main priorities due to its importance as through the amendments, it will ensure the workers in Sarawak will get better protection, benefits and rights, similar to our counterparts in Peninsular Malaysia.

This is also in lieu of efforts made through our Ministry to table the Sabah Labour Ordinance in the last sitting of Parliament for its first reading which also ensures better protection and rights for Sabahan workers.

Such rights include an increase of maternity leave for working mothers from 60 days to 98 days, an implementation of 7 days paternity leave, overtime benefits, additional of non-discriminatory clauses at work, flexible working hours arrangements, reporting of sexual harassment and other improvements as well.

On top of that, before this only a Sarawakian worker who earns less than RM2,500 can enjoy the protection from both the ordinance and the Employment Act, but through this amendments the threshold will be increased and coverage and protection will be expanded to all workers earning RM 4000 and below.

So if these amendments to both the Sabah & Sarawak Labour ordinance is passed in Parliament, we will see that after so many years, our workers in both our regions will get better protection, benefits and rights, similar to our counterpart in Peninsular Malaysia.

This is something that has been fought for by workers unions in our region for many years and should receive a bi-partisan support from all MPs for the benefit of our workers who are the backbone of our economy.

Dr Kelvin Yii Lee Wuen
MP Bandar Kuching
Pol-Sec to Minister Human Resources

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